[Heb-NACO] Fwd: RE: Re: Romanization: ayin lamed zayin vav zayin

Jasmin Nof jnof at upenn.edu
Tue May 14 16:17:21 EDT 2013

my colleague at umd (where i fondly recall having access to (אנציקלופדיה 
העברית was able to find the information below.  thanks, neil!  hope it's 
helpful, bob. thank goodness for the 246!

best wishes and חג שמח, jasmin

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	RE: Re: [Heb-NACO] Romanization: ayin lamed zayin vav zayin
Date: 	Tue, 14 May 2013 19:05:57 +0000
From: 	Manuel Frau-Cortes <nfrau at umd.edu>
To: 	Jasmin Nof <jnof at upenn.edu>


עלזוזdoesn’t appear in the Entsiklopedyah. I looked for versions of 
Alsace, but both are spelled with aleph, that is אלזסand אלזאס, the last 
one being the Yiddish regular spelling.

The only reference I found to עלזוזanywhere is in this book:


As you can see, it relates Elzuz with Kolmar. Since Colmar is in fact in 
Alsace, it is safe to say that Elzuz is Alsace. A possible linguistic 
explanation of this strange spelling is that in fact in Alsatian 
dialect, the place is pronounced Elsas, with open E (like in /bed/) and 
open A (like in /palm/). See in Wikipedia: 

Therefore, one could romanize it as 'Elzoz.


*Neil M. Frau-Cortes*

Hebraica Cataloger

McKeldin Library

University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Phone (301) 405-9337

nfrau at umd.edu

*From:*Jasmin Nof [mailto:jnof at upenn.edu]
*Sent:* Tuesday, May 14, 2013 1:50 PM
*To:* Manuel Frau-Cortes
*Subject:* Fwd: Re: [Heb-NACO] Romanization: ayin lamed zayin vav zayin

hi there, sadly penn moved its אנציקלופדיה העבריתto offsite storage many 
years ago <snif>, but i fondly remember using the encyclopedia set that 
was on the first floor in the reference stacks (ae30.e5).  do you mind 
going to check if there's an entry for עלזוז, and if so, how it's vocalized?

thanks and best wishes for a חג שמח!  jasmin

-------- Original Message --------

*Subject: *


Re: [Heb-NACO] Romanization: ayin lamed zayin vav zayin

*Date: *


Tue, 14 May 2013 10:26:35 -0700

*From: *


Heidi G Lerner <lerner at stanford.edu> <mailto:lerner at stanford.edu>

*Reply-To: *


Hebrew Name Authority Funnel <heb-naco at lists.service.ohio-state.edu> 
<mailto:heb-naco at lists.service.ohio-state.edu>

*To: *


<rtalbott at library.berkeley.edu> <mailto:rtalbott at library.berkeley.edu>, 
Hebrew Name Authority Funnel <heb-naco at lists.service.ohio-state.edu> 
<mailto:heb-naco at lists.service.ohio-state.edu>

Hi Bob,

Off-hand I cannot think of an Hebrew-language gazetters for places 
outside of Israel but it might appear in אנציקלופדיה העבריתwhich may 
have vocalized headings. I don't have it readily accessible but I am 
sure that one of our safranim colleagues will have a copy at hand.

Also you can check Atlas le-toldot am Yisrael (1965)

Good luck, Heidi


*From: *"Robert M. TALBOTT" <rtalbott at library.berkeley.edu> 
<mailto:rtalbott at library.berkeley.edu>
*To: *"Hebrew Name Authority Funnel" 
<heb-naco at lists.service.ohio-state.edu> 
<mailto:heb-naco at lists.service.ohio-state.edu>
*Sent: *Tuesday, May 14, 2013 9:59:32 AM
*Subject: *[Heb-NACO] Romanization: ayin lamed zayin vav zayin


A pair of queries:

1)  I have a sad little seder selihot here at my desk and it purports to 
be ke-minhag [ayin lamed zayin vav zayin].  One the one hand, I'm pretty 
sure that string of letters refers to Alsace.  On the other, I can only 
guess at how it's vocalized.  OCLC has "Elzuz" but I suspect this is not 
the 'droid I was looking for.  Please, if you have clue (and you just 
might!) let me know before I have to guess.

2) Hebrew language gazetteers for a place other than Israel.  Surely 
they must exist.  If anyone has a recommendation, I'd be grateful.




Bob Talbott

Hebraica Cataloger

UC Berkeley

250 Moffitt

Berkeley, CA 94720


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