[Vwoolf] Discount code for new Bloomsbury Academic paperback

Matthew Cheney mcheney at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 18:41:29 EDT 2021

Hello Woolfians,

I am thrilled to be able to share with you a discount code for 35% off my
book *Modernist Crisis and the Pedagogy of Form: Woolf, Delany, and Coetzee
at the Limits of Fiction*, which will be released in paperback from
Bloomsbury Academic later this week. (The hardcover has been out for a
year, but priced for libraries and millionaires.) I am especially pleased
to be able to share it with you because the book builds on my *Woolf
Studies Annual* (vol. 24) essay on *The Years*, and the central concepts of
pedagogy and form originate for me in that essay.

If you go to the Bloomsbury web page for the book
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/modernist-crisis-and-the-pedagogy-of-form-9781501355912/__;!!KGKeukY!gp-oNxq4Y9YLVNqUaIYdU60pOmTr1kr6_ake4ryg85Z-bMveXAFlRKnIKg949rALKsA$ >,
enter the following code based on your location:
For US customers: GLR TW7US
For UK customers: GLR TW7
For Australian customers: GLR TW7AU

(I don't know about other locations — these are the ones Bloomsbury gave
me. But you can see the pattern, so if you are outside the US, UK, or
Australia, it's entirely possible that other country codes will work. They
tell me they're working on getting global codes, but their new website is
causing lots of headaches.)

Many thanks for all your support and interest!

Best wishes,
Matt Cheney
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