[Vwoolf] inquiry

Stuart N. Clarke stuart.n.clarke at btinternet.com
Thu Nov 19 04:23:28 EST 2020

“On Being Ill” is out of copyright *in the UK*.  The law in the US is beyond me.  It was published as a “separate” in the UK, but not in the US.  Remember all the carry-on over the Folcroft and Norwood editions ("The Pirates of Philadelphia"; "Priestley - who is he? asks book pirate") in 1979-80?  It depends where this new book is being published, and copyright is a matter for the publisher to establish.

(Day 247)

From: Kllevenback via Vwoolf 
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2020 8:53 AM
To: Shahd Alshammari ; vwoolf at lists.osu.edu 
Subject: Re: [Vwoolf] inquiry

Dear Shahd Alshammari— 

My understanding is that the actual text is no longer copyrighted; however, given the number of new editions, many edited and including notes and introduction, I am forwarding your enquiry to the Woolf listserv and opening it up to my colleagues.

With best wishes in these fraught times—stay safe—
Karen Levenback

Sent from my iPad

  On Nov 19, 2020, at 2:39 AM, Shahd Alshammari <shahdalshammari at gmail.com> wrote:

  Dear Karen,

  I was hoping you could help me out with this question. Virginia Woolf's "On Being Ill" is copyrighted? Would I be able to quote from it for a book and include it without permissions? Would love your advice. 

  I apologize in advance for the unsolicited email. I came across the website and thought I would ask.

  All best,

  Shahd Alshammari, PhD

  Department of English Language and Literature

  College of Arts and Sciences

  Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait 

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