MCLC: This American Life retracts Apple story

Denton, Kirk denton.2 at
Sat Mar 17 09:04:40 EDT 2012

From: han meng (hanmeng at
Subject: This American Life retracts Apple story

This American Life retracts Apple/Foxconn story

Regrettably, we have discovered that one of our most popular episodes
was partially fabricated. This week, we devote the entire hour to
detailing the errors in "Mr. Daisey Goes to the Apple Factory," Mike
Daisey¹s story about visiting Foxconn, an Apple supplier factory in
China. Rob Schmitz, a reporter for Marketplace, raises doubts on much
of Daisey's story.

Ira also talks with Mike Daisey about why he misled This American Life
during the fact-checking process. And we end the show separating fact
from fiction, when it comes to Apple's manufacturing practices in

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