[Heb-NACO] Authority Record - Assistance

Shinohara, Jasmin jshino at pobox.upenn.edu
Tue Feb 14 16:37:09 EST 2023

Hi, Ilana,

I thank you for your question and apologize for the delayed response. I know you are relatively new to our field. Have you undergone NACO training<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.loc.gov/catworkshop/courses/naco-RDA/index.html__;!!KGKeukY!zfqjs2f7aP2_E4epE0f1SGGjR7lZyp8RNWO1WaltEwpaKkawdlP_9AcwP6qklSldy849LfHe1pqClUjJbd3DHuc9WAo$ >? Hebraica NACO training? I strongly encourage you to join and participate in our Hebraica NACO funnel. Funnel membership provides you with more learning opportunities as your work is reviewed by the funnel coordinator. I currently serve in this role; Heidi Lerner is my predecessor.

With thanks to Heidi, here are our comments on your record below:

  1.  The name appears in your source with forename first. We have to assume that Dayan is a surname. If the intent was to enter under forename, then the name in the resource would appear with “Dayan” as an addition such as Yosef, ha-Dayan.
     *   There is a stray space in the 670|b between the opening parenthesis [(] and Yosef.

  1.  The individual is listed in the CERL Thesaurus<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://data.cerl.org/thesaurus/_search__;!!KGKeukY!zfqjs2f7aP2_E4epE0f1SGGjR7lZyp8RNWO1WaltEwpaKkawdlP_9AcwP6qklSldy849LfHe1pqClUjJbd3DDmzP4s8$ > as Dayyan, Joseph<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://data.cerl.org/thesaurus/cni00093180__;!!KGKeukY!zfqjs2f7aP2_E4epE0f1SGGjR7lZyp8RNWO1WaltEwpaKkawdlP_9AcwP6qklSldy849LfHe1pqClUjJbd3DVvqLj48$ >. Per the LC-PCC PS on RDA (Hebraica Cataloging Manual-RDA<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/rascat.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/132083421/HCM*20RDA*202019rev.pdf?force_download=1__;JSU!!IBzWLUs!XCB8VJMx0WilcJ4O1k8nxpcANCXX7ivgeFCQP_1_fsN_LlkFo6WD6djfpPOWPsm5rgmvUyWwwJ6G3weUftE5Vn7C$>, p. 62), this Latin script form would be the preferred form for your authorized access point (AAP).
     *   We can give additions for dates such as |d active 18th century.
     *   The CERL Thesaurus would be given as your second 670 (more authoritative than Wikipedia and, unlike Wiki, is an entry for the person himself, not his father; follows the 670 for the work you have in hand).
     *   When transcribing the CERL data, you can choose to cite and give variant access points to as many variant forms of name you think helpful to users.
     *   You can find concise instructions and examples of cited internet sources here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.artcataloging.net/naco/670ex.html__;!!IBzWLUs!XCB8VJMx0WilcJ4O1k8nxpcANCXX7ivgeFCQP_1_fsN_LlkFo6WD6djfpPOWPsm5rgmvUyWwwJ6G3weUfqPrj-AD$> and here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/web.library.yale.edu/cataloging/music/nmphdbk*citinginternet__;Iw!!IBzWLUs!XCB8VJMx0WilcJ4O1k8nxpcANCXX7ivgeFCQP_1_fsN_LlkFo6WD6djfpPOWPsm5rgmvUyWwwJ6G3weUfqgiD8dj$>, along with the NACO Participants Manual<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/naco/documents/NACOParticipants'Manual-20200708.pdf__;!!KGKeukY!zfqjs2f7aP2_E4epE0f1SGGjR7lZyp8RNWO1WaltEwpaKkawdlP_9AcwP6qklSldy849LfHe1pqClUjJbd3DDYNUiB4$ > (NPM), 4th ed., pp. 82-83.

  1.  The standard romanized form, Dayan, Yosef, your current AAP, would be given as a variant, (the first) 400 (first indicator 1), with the addition of the date (|d active 18th century) to eliminate conflict with an extant AAP (lccn n  91104297).

  1.  The form you cite from Wikipedia is Joseph Akiva Baer Ben Simon Dayan. Again, we have to assume that Dayan is a surname.
     *   The variant entry should then be Dayan, Joseph Akiva Baer ben Simon (first indicator 1). There is no justification for the 400 form as you currently have it, Baer, Yosef ben Shimon Akivah |c Dayan. We cannot and do not infer forms of names or mix-and-match romanization schemes; we only cite and give access to actual usage.
     *   The date addition would be appended here, too: Dayan, Joseph Akiva Baer ben Simon, |d active 18th century

  1.  The form Joseph Dayan (your third 400), has no justification/cited use.
     *   He’s found in that form in The Bezalel Narkiss Index of Jewish Art<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cja.huji.ac.il/browser.php__;!!KGKeukY!zfqjs2f7aP2_E4epE0f1SGGjR7lZyp8RNWO1WaltEwpaKkawdlP_9AcwP6qklSldy849LfHe1pqClUjJbd3DbY7TkAo$ >. (Choose “browse by: Artist/Maker” on the right side of the screen. Either type in Dayan or browse the alphabetical listing under the letter D.) He’s entered as Dayan, Joseph, Printing house in Amsterdam.
     *   The 670 would be Bezalel Narkiss Index of Jewish Art, viewed February X, 2023 |b (Dayan, Joseph, printing house in Amsterdam); however,
     *   The variant would be Dayan, Joseph, |d active 18th century. Per the NPM section on section on Simple 4xx “see” cross-references, subsection Personal names, p.61: “Record a reference from each variant that affects the primary elements of the name. Generally, this means variations in all elements to the left of the comma and in the first element to the right of the comma.” (bold added) The primary elements of this variant, Dayan, Joseph, |d active 18th century, match the form of the Wikipedia variant primary elements, Dayan, Joseph Akiva Baer ben Simon, |d active 18th century. Thus, a variant from this source is not necessary.
     *   Regardless of whether or not you add the variant, you may add the 670 for the source. This, too, is optional.

  1.  The same reason cited in 1. above regarding the order of the name applies to the vernacular variant. It is entered asדיין, יוסף  (first indicator 1).
     *   Best practice is to group Latin script variants together and follow those with any non-Latin script variants. Please move the vernacular form of the name to the bottom of the 400s.
     *   You need to add a 667 “Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.” note (NPM, p. 68) and change the Ref status fixed field code to b (NPM, p. 23). (If you add multiple non-Latin script variants, the 667 note is plural, references.)
     *   Per the “PCC Guidelines for Creating Bibliographic Records in Multiple Character Sets<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/bibco/documents/PCCNonLatinGuidelines.pdf__;!!KGKeukY!zfqjs2f7aP2_E4epE0f1SGGjR7lZyp8RNWO1WaltEwpaKkawdlP_9AcwP6qklSldy849LfHe1pqClUjJbd3DH3Ertvw$ >”,, “Omitting dates and cataloger-created qualifiers (right-to-left scripts only)”: “For right-to-left scripts only, dates and cataloger-created qualifiers may be omitted from non-Latin parallel fields if it is thought the display may be confusing for the catalog user.” Thus, the |d active 18th century does not need to be appended to the vernacular variant.

I hope this has been helpful. Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly for questions on the above or to discuss joining our funnel. You can learn more about the latter at our wiki<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/rascat.pbworks.com/w/page/144076482/PCC*20Hebraica*20Judaica*20Funnels__;JSUl!!IBzWLUs!XCB8VJMx0WilcJ4O1k8nxpcANCXX7ivgeFCQP_1_fsN_LlkFo6WD6djfpPOWPsm5rgmvUyWwwJ6G3weUfl6vK_tM$> (including links to the above documentation). We’d be thrilled to add you to our list of participating libraries<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/rascat.pbworks.com/w/page/144077436/PCC*20Hebraica*20Funnels*20Participants__;JSUl!!IBzWLUs!XCB8VJMx0WilcJ4O1k8nxpcANCXX7ivgeFCQP_1_fsN_LlkFo6WD6djfpPOWPsm5rgmvUyWwwJ6G3weUfmKtqaR7$>.

Best wishes, Jasmin

J a s m i n  S h i n o h a r a
Hebraica Cataloging Librarian
[cid:image004.jpg at 01D94092.94543610]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.library.upenn.edu/__;!!KGKeukY!zfqjs2f7aP2_E4epE0f1SGGjR7lZyp8RNWO1WaltEwpaKkawdlP_9AcwP6qklSldy849LfHe1pqClUjJbd3DEpeI7aY$ >

PCC Funnels Coordinator:
Hebraica BIBCO & NACO | Judaica SACO
215-746-6397 | jshino at upenn.edu<mailto:jshino at upenn.edu>

From: Heb-naco <heb-naco-bounces+jshino=pobox.upenn.edu at lists.osu.edu> On Behalf Of Abend-David,Ilana via Heb-naco
Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2023 12:57 PM
To: heb-naco at lists.osu.edu
Subject: [Heb-NACO] Authority Record - Assistance

Hi, I am in the process of creating a name authority record to an 18th century Jewish printer, and not sure how to establish his name. This is what I came up with so far: Should I keep the 100 field as is or should it be displayed differently?

I am in the process of creating a name authority record to an 18th century Jewish printer, and not sure how to establish his name.

This is what I came up with so far:
[cid:image001.png at 01D93FA0.EDF95D00]
Should I keep the 100 field as is or should it be displayed differently?

Many thanks for your kind help,


Ilana Abend-David
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Resource Description Services Department
405 Smathers (East) Library
George A. Smathers Libraries - University of Florida
P.O. Box 117004, Gainesville, FL 32611

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