[Heb-NACO] New resources on the RAS AJL Cataloging Wiki

Dickel, Geraldine geraldine.dickel at yale.edu
Wed Jun 28 10:36:35 EDT 2017

Dear Colleagues,

Thanks to Jasmin Shinohara, we have several new and updated resources on the RAS AJL Cataloging Wiki<http://rascat.pbworks.com/w/page/7836007/Home>.

On the Home page, under Documentation:

  1.  The 2017 Revised Edition of Hebraica Cataloging RDA<http://rascat.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/118835961/HCM%20RDA%202017rev.pdf?force_download=1>
  2.  The 2017 Revision Summary<http://rascat.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/118833942/HCM%202017%20Revisions.pdf?force_download=1> which gives the main changes to the cataloging manual.
On the Home page, under Resources:

  1.  Jasmin has added several foreign loan words from Greek or Latin to the Romanization FAQ<http://rascat.pbworks.com/w/page/109347700/Romanization%20FAQ>.  She has included Romanization of the loan word with the  preposition ב.
  2.  Jasmin also created a separate list of just foreign loan words, which will be helpful for doing catalog maintenance: Foreign loan words<http://rascat.pbworks.com/Foreign%20loan%20words>
  3.  At the top of each of these pages is a link to a form by which you can suggest words that should be added to these lists: Are we missing a word? Please let us know here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeeMNMt9XwOctmvigGGK8cDBfBQGbmghEetLPzpxp0u_Rcryw/viewform?usp=sf_link>.

The plan is to continue to add foreign loan words to both lists.  After about 6 months or a year, we will discontinue the separate list of foreign loan words, so that there will be only one list to maintain.  The separate list will be useful for now so that we have a way to find all of the words that will need to be changed in our own institutions’ catalogs.   Does anyone have any other suggestions about this plan?  Will this work for everyone?

Please use the form to make suggestions of additional foreign loan words that should be added to the lists.  The completed form will automatically come to Jasmin and myself.

Thank you, Jasmin, for all the work that you have done!

Best wishes,
Jerry Anne
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