[Heb-NACO] Avi Primor's Suss und ehrenvoll

Heidi G Lerner lerner at stanford.edu
Thu Jul 7 17:05:46 EDT 2016

Hi Netanel,

Stanford does not have the German or Hebrew versions of this work so I am basing my comments entirely on supposition. Those of our colleagues who do have one or both versions might want to see if there is any more information provided.

. Looking at the dates of publication of the two versions (expressions)  it appears that the German edition was published before the Hebrew version. I suspect that it was published from a manuscript.

(Another issue is that if this record were to be coded PCC the preferred title would have to have been established).

To figure out how to properly catalog it let's look at the rules in RDA,

The closest rule to our situation appears  to me to be: RDA

resources embodying the work are not available (e.g., no manifestations of the work are known to exist)
reference sources do not contain a title for the work in the original language.

I then go down to

and then to and we have the following

e) a title based on a related resource.

So I would choose as my preferred title for the work:

Milh?amah ha-gedolah shel Ludv?ig v?e-Lu'i

I would put a note in the record for the German version  that this is a devised title (and a little bit why you chose the Hebrew title as the title for the work)

The preferred title for the German version would be:

Milh?amah ha-gedolah shel Ludv?ig v?e-Lu'i.|lGerman

And the 2015 Hebrew version would not be considered a translation.

This is just my two cents. I would like to hear what my colleagues think.

best, Heidi

Heidi G. Lerner

Metadata Librarian for Hebraica and Judaica

Metadata Dept.

Stanford University Libraries

Stanford, CA 94305-6004

ph: 650-725-9953

fax: 650-725-1120

e-mail: lerner at stanford.edu

From: Heb-naco <heb-naco-bounces at lists.osu.edu> on behalf of Netanel Ganin <nganin at brandeis.edu>
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2016 12:31 PM
To: Hebrew Name Authority Funnel
Subject: [Heb-NACO] Avi Primor's Suss und ehrenvoll

Hey crew,

I have Avi Primor's Milh?amah ha-gedolah shel Ludv?ig v?e-Lu'i sitting in front of me (OCLC 909000876) and the record is pcc so I'm inclined to trust it, but I'm just confused by something:

There's a 240 of "Su?ss und ehrenvoll. ?l Hebrew" indicating that this is a translation from the German into the Hebrew, but nothing on the book indicates that it was translated. Furthermore, the call number is a PJ number, but if it were a translation from the German, it should be a PT number, no?

The publication date is 775, 2015. I mention the date because I dug up (OCLC 861198812) which was pubbed in 2013,

Here, the 245 (no 240 at all) says: Su?ss und ehrenvoll : ?b Roman / ?c Avi Primor ; aus dem Hebra?ischen von Beate Esther von Schwarze.

So this earlier book is claiming it was translated from the Hebrew into German!

Any thoughts on untangling this thorny knot?

Netanel Ganin
Metadata Coordinator -- Hebrew Specialty
Brandeis University
(781) 736-4645 / nganin at brandeis.edu<mailto:nganin at brandeis.edu>

My pronouns are he/him/his

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