[Heb-NACO] $c ha-Kohen shenanigans

Biella, Joan jbie at loc.gov
Wed Aug 8 14:20:09 EDT 2012

In the early days of the RDA Test, Heidi and I ran across the "ha-Kohen" problem, which is a different one from the "ha-Rav" problem which I'll discuss in another message.

Under AACR2, we put "ha-Kohen," "ha-Levi," and a few others such as "Segan" in c-subfields, appealing to rule 22.6A1, which deals with "titles of nobility."  The inclusion of such Hebrew "titles" in this rule was worked out between Hebraica catalogers and the policy wonks back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, probably because these titles, if not exactly "noble" in a British Empire sort of sense, are at least hereditary. 

In more recent times, the current policy wonks agreed, perhaps offhandedly, perhaps not really thinking about it but let's let the sleeping dogs lie, that, "General Guidelines on Recording Names Containing a Title of Nobility" could also include the Hebrew titles.  Thus we are allowed to put "ha-Kohen" and its brothers in c-subfields as under AACR2.  Think of them as hereditary rather than as "religious" titles.


-----Original Message-----
From: heb-naco-bounces at lists.service.ohio-state.edu [mailto:heb-naco-bounces at lists.service.ohio-state.edu] On Behalf Of Robert Talbott
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 12:17 PM
To: Hebrew Name Authority Funnel
Subject: [Heb-NACO] $c ha-Kohen shenanigans

An open question to Joan and Heidi:

Ladies, I'm flummoxed with yet more $c bafflement.  To wit, I have a book here edited by one ha-Rav Elyashiv ha-Kohen Kaplun.  I've chased the weasel around the $c ha-Rav mulberry bush a few times, and I'm pretty that $c ha-Kohen runs into the same sort of descriptive dissonance in that it violates RDA9.4.1.8 : the AACR2 style heading one would expect, Kaplun, Elyashiv, $c ha-Kohen can't be used because the rule cited says that religious titles can only occur with auth. access points beginning with forename.

Assuming that we aren't going to go with the unstated "Hakohen" option (Kaplun, Elyashiv Hakohen ; xref: Hakohen Kaplun, Elyashiv) and that ignoring it (Kaplun, Elyashiv; 378 $q Elyashiv ha-Kohen) is out of the question, how should we proceed?


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