[Comicsstudiessociety] Disability in Comics seminar: readings, resources you'd recommend?

Candida Rifkind c.rifkind at uwinnipeg.ca
Mon Jul 6 15:46:25 EDT 2020

Hi Charles. I just finished Dancing after TEN  and will be teaching it in my Canadian Comics course in the Winter. It's terrific.

Another suggestion is Dear Scarlet by Teresa Wong, about post-partum depression (although I didn't look back to see if your course includes mental health): https://arsenalpulp.com/Books/D/Dear-Scarlet

I taught Lee Frances IV's and Weshoyot Alvitre's Sixkiller #1 in my Indigenous Comics course last Fall and students loved it, although they were dying to read the next volumes that aren't out yet. It's an Alice in Wonderland revisioning involving a character with schizophrenia that raises important questions about psychiatry, colonialism, and missing and murdered Indigenous women, even in just the first volume (available digitally):


Will be following for more titles!


Candida Rifkind, PhD

Professor | Department of English | University of Winnipeg

515 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2E9 CANADA
@candidarifkind | www.candidarifkind.com<http://www.candidarifkind.com> | uwinnipeg.ca/english<https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/english/index.html>

Executive Board | Comics Studies Society


Co-Editor | Crossing Lines: Transcultural/Transnational Comics Studies

Wilfrid Laurier University Press

At the University of Winnipeg, we acknowledge that we are gathered on ancestral lands, on Treaty One Territory. These lands are the heartland of the Métis people. We acknowledge that our water is sourced from Shoal Lake 40 First Nation.

From: ComicsStudiesSociety <comicsstudiessociety-bounces at lists.osu.edu> on behalf of Charles Hatfield via ComicsStudiesSociety <comicsstudiessociety at lists.osu.edu>
Sent: July 6, 2020 2:32 PM
To: Patrick D. Holt
Cc: discussion list for members of the Comics Studies Society
Subject: Re: [Comicsstudiessociety] Disability in Comics seminar: readings, resources you'd recommend?

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Thanks, all, for your responses so far!

I’ve submitted a request to join Kriota Willberg’s Graphic Medicine Confab for the remaining sessions — sounds great! (I’ve taught Willberg’s superb “Silver Wire” a few times, and will again; and I’ve written a bit about Webber’s Dumb — looking forward to reading her collaboration with Vivian Chong, Dancing after TEN.)

At this point, I’m particularly anxious to strengthen the intersectionality focus of my “Disability in Comics” syllabus by incorporating sustained works of comics (and relevant scholarship) at the intersection of race and disability.

To that end, can any listers recommend comics or related scholarship with a disability focus by and about BIPOC, Asian, or other “non-white” or racialized subjects? (I am sorry if I’ve posed the question awkwardly or insensitively; I am searching for a better vocabulary.) I’m anxious to find readings, resources, and perhaps scholars or creators who might be willing to Zoom into my grad class.

(Dancing after TEN would seem relevant here. I’m eager for other examples too.)

Charles Hatfield
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