Quiz 3 material - Ch 3 (3.4-3.7) and Ch 4 (4.1-4.4)

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at osu.edu
Fri Feb 4 08:17:32 EST 2022

Quiz 3 will cover the following: Chapters 3 (3.4-3.7) and 4 (4.1-4.4).

The quiz will be accessible this coming Sunday, 2/6, at 7 PM.
If you have a conflict contact me now, don't wait.  The quiz
window is 7-10.  The quiz is 40 min.  If you want the full 40 min
you must start no later than 9:20.  The quiz window shuts down
at 10 PM and after 40 min.

The quiz covers last week's lecture material.

You are NOT allowed to work together or get help from someone else
or the internet (other than the material on our class website, like
the textbook, my notes, etc).  You are not allowed to provide help
or upload the quiz, its questions or the answers to the internet.

Rather than repeat it all here, you can find details of what's covered on
the quiz on my web page by going to the "Quizzes<https://www.asc.ohio-state.edu/zellmer.1/chem1250/quiz/quiz_1250.htm>" link at my Chem 1250
class web page (not Carmen). It also lists which sections from the textbook
are covered and the corresponding end-of-chapter (EOC) problems which you
should be able to do. There's also further descriptions of things there
and links to other help files for this material which can be found on my
web pages.

Dr. Zellmer
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