titration curve review questions - graph

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at osu.edu
Fri Mar 10 13:46:46 EST 2023

I mentioned this in class.  Try to do this before Thursday after you've read
the sections and done some EOCEs.

Here's a modified copy of a titration curve for a monoprotic weak acid (acetic
acid in this example) from the textbook.  I've marked it up with what you should
be able to determine is occurring at various points along the titration curve.
Answer the questions in the bubbles.  Try not to look at the stuff at the
bottom unless you need a clue.

Hopefully, you've done some weak acid/strong base and weak base/strong
acid titration problems.  If so, you should be able fill in this diagram.

I will review this at the start of lecture on Thursday.  This weekend's quiz
will cover titrations, 17.3.

Dr. Zellmer

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