FW: sending me e-mail

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at osu.edu
Mon Jan 23 18:06:31 EST 2023

I sent the following e-mail the day before classes started but a number
of you aren't following the instructions.  Please pay attention to this.  It
will be a big help to me and allow me to help you faster.

Many of you are sending e-mails to the Chem1220 e-mail list I use to
send e-mails to the whole class.  Please don't do this.  Send them to
zellmer.1 at osu.edu<mailto:zellmer.1 at osu.edu>.  Also don't send them via Carmen.  It's easier for
me to keep track of things and will make sure I get them.  The subject
line in the e-mails sent via Carmen aren't helpful.

Please include whether you're in my AM or PM class.  See below
for more details.

If it relates to recitation, you must indicate the day/time of your
recitation and your recitation TA's name.

If you have a question about something in the book, like a sample
exercise, self assessment exercise, end-of-chapter exercise, etc.
be specific.  Give the number of the sample ex or SAE and what
section it's in.  Give the EOCE number (i.e. 13.14, 13.56, etc.).

If it's a Mastering question include whether it's in the Tutorials or
Homework Review set and which set it is (Ch 13a, Ch 14b, etc.)
and the question number.

Be as detailed as possible.  All of this will make it easier for me to
answer the question and you'll get a faster response.

You can ask me lab questions and I will attempt to answer them.
However, sending them to the supervisor accounts means another
set of eyes looking at e-mails.  This is probably a better option
when asking about administrative things (such as missing lab, not
having a manual, having problems with the on-line manual, due
dates, etc.).  I don't have access to Achieve so I can't provide much
help with it.

I save all the e-mails and sometimes need to search them to find
things.  I've got over 500 students.  Doing the above will be helpful
and appreciated.

Dr. Zellmer

From: Zellmer, Robert <zellmer.1 at osu.edu>
Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 7:31 AM
To: cbc-chem1220 at groups.asc.ohio-state.edu
Cc: cbc-chem1220-ta at groups.asc.ohio-state.edu
Subject: sending me e-mail

Please read the instructions below and follow this concerning e-mailing me.

Please do NOT send me e-mail from Canvas, or if you do, include your
name.#.  It appears I'm getting e-mail sent from Carmen but when
I reply using my e-mail program I'm not sure if it makes it back to people.
It also makes it difficult to track down e-mails based on a person's name or
name.#.  Also, the subject lines in e-mail coming via Carmen are pretty much
worthless.  Furthermore, if it's anything that might be considered private I
must abide by FERPA regulations and can only reply directly to a
name.# OSU account.

I don't send e-mail from Canvas (Carmen) or generally leave announcements
on Carmen.  If you aren't checking Carmen for messages, you may not see
them.  If you don't have your notifications set correctly you won't get
messages or announcements left on Carmen via e-mail.  This is why I use
regular e-mail.

I create an e-mail list using name.#@osu.edu<mailto:name.#@osu.edu> provided by the university
via SIS (essentially Buckeyelink).  That's the chem1220 list you see when I
send e-mail to the class.

If you want to send an e-mail to me do NOT send it to or reply to the e-mail
list (chem1220) I use for sending e-mails to the class.   I will get it eventually
but it's possible it could go through to the entire class.   To send me an e-mail
use the following address,

zellmer.1 at osu.edu<mailto:zellmer.1 at osuedu>

You should send e-mail to the following address if it's a lab question
(although I will also help with lab questions whenever I can).  All lab
supervisors will see it and you might get faster service.

chemlabsupervisor at chemistry.ohio-state.edu<mailto:chemlabsupervisor at chemistry.ohio-state.edu>

I'm teaching two sections of 1220 this semester.  I get a lot of e-mails.
To make it easier for me to quickly answer your questions please let me
know which class you are in and whether it's the AM or PM class and
include the information I've asked for below.

When sending me an e-mail make the subject line look something like:

Chem 1220 AM - "rest of subject"

Chem 1220 PM - "rest of subject"


Subject:   Chem 1220 AM - Help with SOL exp.

Subject:   Chem 1220 PM - Help with End-of-Chapter Exercise 13.1

If it relates to recitation, you must indicate the day/time of your recitation
and your recitation TA's name.

If it relates to lab, you must indicate which experiment, day/time of your
lab and your lab TA.  If you're sending something to the lab supervisor
account also include your Lecturer's name.

Finally, every now and then I accidentally send something from my personal
account.   Don't reply to that account since I don't check it as often as I do
my OSU account.   Always send e-mails to me at my OSU e-mail address
listed above.


Dr. Zellmer
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