[Vwoolf] Guidance about Woolf-Related Photograph Permissions

Neverow, Vara S. neverowv1 at southernct.edu
Tue Dec 20 15:18:14 EST 2022

Hi Danell,

Congrats! That's excellent news—and it's very exciting indeed to know that soon we will know much more about the Dreadnought hoax thanks to your stellar work.

The Smith College Library has the Leslie Stephen photograph album (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.smith.edu/libraries/libs/rarebook/exhibitions/stephen/__;!!KGKeukY!x04PFLt2ASxN4ZAdCwC_ILWZ50IgTHiJXoWi5PQHBUItq4a4_WztvY1r4Wq6XP4CMZX6NKGydJhEMQOOOMVcmbDSbf8v5pl68yW5fC2S$ ). Their guidance appears on this webpage: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://libraries.smith.edu/special-collections/services/rights-reproductions/attribution__;!!KGKeukY!x04PFLt2ASxN4ZAdCwC_ILWZ50IgTHiJXoWi5PQHBUItq4a4_WztvY1r4Wq6XP4CMZX6NKGydJhEMQOOOMVcmbDSbf8v5pl687ewTjgT$ .

The Monks House photographs are at the Hollis Library at Harvard. Their guidelines are available on this website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://hollisarchives.lib.harvard.edu/repositories/24/resources/3691__;!!KGKeukY!x04PFLt2ASxN4ZAdCwC_ILWZ50IgTHiJXoWi5PQHBUItq4a4_WztvY1r4Wq6XP4CMZX6NKGydJhEMQOOOMVcmbDSbf8v5pl68wgKkGbm$ . Maggie Humm, who compiled the beautiful Snapshots of Bloomsbury: The Private Lives of Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell, could probably offer more insights. I recall that Maggie mentioned there were costs involved in publishing the volume.

I'm not sure about any of the details, but these are starting points (and you may already have begun to delve into these sources). I am sure that additional guidance will come from others very soon.



Vara Neverow
Professor, English Department
Editor, Virginia Woolf Miscellany
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, CT 06515
neverowv1 at southernct.edu

I acknowledge that Southern Connecticut State University was built on traditional territory of the indigenous peoples and nations of the Paugussett and Quinnipiac peoples.

Recent Publications:

Lead editor, Virginia Woolf: Critical and Primary Sources (Bloomsbury, 2020; with Jeanne Dubino, Kathryn Simpson, and Gill Lowe); Editor, Volume One, 1975-1984, Virginia Woolf: Critical and Primary Sources (Bloomsbury, 2020); Co-editor, The Edinburgh Companion to Virginia Woolf and Contemporary Global Literature (Edinburgh, 2020; with Jeanne Dubino, Paulina Pająk, Catherine Hollis, and Celiese Lypka)

From: Vwoolf <vwoolf-bounces at lists.osu.edu> on behalf of Danell Jones via Vwoolf <vwoolf at lists.osu.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 3:07 PM
To: vwoolf at lists.service.ohio-state.edu <vwoolf at lists.service.ohio-state.edu>
Subject: [Vwoolf] Guidance about Woolf-Related Photograph Permissions

Dear Woolfians: I am very happy to report that Hurst, UK, will be publishing my manuscript on Woolf and the Dreadnought hoax—wooo hooo! I am thrilled and thankful to everyone who helped me with this book. And it just may be out in June

Dear Woolfians:

I am very happy to report that Hurst, UK, will be publishing my manuscript on Woolf and the Dreadnought hoax—wooo hooo! I am thrilled and thankful to everyone who helped me with this book. And it just may be out in June 2023. Fingers crossed.

I would like to include some images of Woolf and her family and, especially, one or both of the hoaxers Lafayatte studio portraits. While I can get digitized images of both, none of the organizations selling them claims copyright and tells me that I need to find the copyright holder. Has anyone gone through this process with the hoax images? Can you advise me?

As for other Stephen family photos, does anyone have any recommendations of the best places to find our copyright holders and get permissions? There are so many copyright laws in play right now that it all seems a bit of mire.

If possible, I would like to include photographs of Virginia and Leonard as well as Leslie, Julia, Thoby, Vanessa, and Adrian—possibly Laura and the Duckworths…

Thank you all so much for any help you can offer,

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