[Ohiogift] Ohiogift Digest, Vol 17, Issue 36

Margaret DeLacy margaretdelacy at comcast.net
Thu Sep 19 14:33:45 EDT 2013

>Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: What DO we want the outcome measure to look like?
>      (Buga, Michelle)

One problem that we are confronting here is that the current tests don't do a good job of measuring the learning of students at the top of the scale.  It is difficult to make gains when you are already at 99% on the tests.  We could ask for out of level testing but that is also problematic for a number of reasons.  We could ask for universal administration of something like the ACT for the upper grades, but there are limits to that strategy too.  Despite this, the students in our self-contained program not only score at the highest level but do continue to make learning gains in most areas.  http://tagpdx.org/11_12_ACCESS.htm

 I'm hoping that the new Common Core assessments will be an improvement but I'm not optimistic. 

When companies have quality concern they actively solicit feedback from their customers.  Would it be possible to include a rating of "satisfied" or above from parents or even students to the question, "were your [child's] learning needs met in x subject?" ( For the way Portland families would respond go to http://www.pps.k12.or.us/files/tag/TAG_Survey_Letter_2012.13%281%29.pdf )


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