[Ohiogift] State board email feedback

anngift at aol.com anngift at aol.com
Thu Sep 19 09:01:12 EDT 2013

Hi everyone, 

I've heard from a few state board members that some of the emails that they have received from the gifted community are quite vicious. That does not help us. Don't call board members ignorant. Don't call them evil. Always, always be respectful. To do otherwise is truly counter-productive. They will dig into their positions and justify it, because they were attacked. We need to inform board members about what works and what doesn't. Use examples of great inputs and great processes that can be lost if we focus only on outputs -- which we also need.

These folks take their positions very seriously. That aren't there for personal gain. They are there because they truly believe that they can make a positive difference for children in Ohio. There are those who feel differently than we do philosophically about the direction of Ohio. No one is persuaded to think differently if they are attacked. 

A number of you have asked for some feedback on some board member emails you have received. I am happy to give my perspective. And I will post that on the OAGC website later today. 

So, please don't stop emailing (though you probably want to back off on C. Todd Jones and Tom Gunlock for now). But do: 

1. Be polite.
2. Keep it short.
3. Be direct. 
4. If possible use good examples to support your position.


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