[Ohiogift] quick overview of gifted changes in Sub House BIll 59

anngift at aol.com anngift at aol.com
Tue Apr 9 20:22:42 EDT 2013

Summary of Changes related to Gifted in the Sub House Bill 59 -- While by no means, exhaustive, here is a quick list of provisions in Sub House Bill 59 that relate to gifted. To download the entire sub bill or to access a summary of the provisions, please go to  http://www.ohiohouse.gov/committee/finance-and-appropriations . You can click on the April 9 tab to download the relevant documents. 
Funding – Changes the gifted funding formula from $50 per ADM to $5 per ADM for identification and gifted units based on the following formula: 
(1) One gifted coordinator unit shall be allocated for every 3,300 students in a district's gifted unit ADM, with a minimum of 0.5 units and a maximum of 8 units allocated for the district.
(2) One gifted intervention specialist unit shall be allocated for every 1,100 students in a district's gifted unit ADM, with a minimum of 0.3 units allocated for the district.
The unit will be valued at $37,000 in FY2014 and $37,370 in FY2015. 
In addition, ESCs will be allocated $3.8 million to fund additional gifted units. 
Accountability – The sub-group accountability section is somewhat changed requiring the state board to determine satisfactory achievement and progress of the sub-groups and requiring the district to submit an improvement plan for approval if their performance is unsatisfactory. 

Operating Standards – The operating standards language changes are altered significantly and include language that requires ODE to ensure that any achievement gap closure is not achieved by suppressing the growth of highest achieving students and requiring the state board of education to develop minimum operating standards that require “providing children access to a general education of high quality according to the learning needs of each individual, including students with disabilities, economically disadvantaged students, limited English proficient students, and students identified as gifted.” 
Straight A Fund – The Straight A innovation funds are cut in the sub bill but not entirely eliminated. In addition, the purpose of the funds is more carefully delineated. Grants will be given a priority if the goals of the projects meet several criteria on being the “achievement and progress for each subgroup of students specified under division (A) of section 3317.40 of the Revised Code”
College Credit Plus – This language was removed from the bill.  It will probably go into a separate bill for consideration. 
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