[OHIOBWG] FW: Tom Kunz

Titchenell, Marne titchenell.4 at osu.edu
Wed Apr 15 11:13:03 EDT 2020

Sad news for the bat world…hope you all are safe and well.

[The Ohio State University]
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Marne A. Titchenell
Wildlife Program Specialist, OSU Extension
School of Environment and Natural Resources
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

210 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Rd, Columbus, OH 43210

614-292-0402  Office
titchenell.4 at osu.edu<mailto:titchenell.4 at osu.edu>  woodlandstewards.osu.edu<https://woodlandstewards.osu.edu/>  senr.osu.edu<https://senr.osu.edu/>

From: American Society of Mammalogists <ASM at wildapricot.org>
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 4:04 PM
To: Titchenell, Marne <titchenell.4 at osu.edu>
Subject: Tom Kunz

Friends and colleagues –

It is with sincere sorrow that I write to let you know that Tom Kunz has died of complications associated with COVID-19.  Tom was a giant of mammalogy, with a focus on the ecology of bats.  A quick tally of his publications (likely incomplete) suggests about 280+ over the years, with a stunning rate of about 12 publications annually from 1996 through 2012.  Additionally, Tom published 12 Mammalian Species accounts and authored four accounts in “North American Mammals” (edited by Don Wilson and Sue Ruff).  Tom also edited or co-edited five books, including the foundational “Ecological and Behavioral Methods for the Study of Bats”, published by the Smithsonian Institution Press in 1988, then revised and updated for publication by Johns Hopkins University Press in 2009.  Tom received the C. Hart Merriam Award from the ASM in 1998, served the ASM as President from 2000 to 2002, and was given Honorary Membership in the ASM in 2008.  He also was an elected Fellow of the AAAS, and received the Gerrit S. Miller Jr. Award from the North American Society for Bat Research.

Tom was much more than a tally of publications and awards, however.  If you never had the opportunity to know Tom Kunz, I am sorry.  If you did, you will understand what I mean when I refer to him as a disarmingly gentle, kind, and caring person.  He was always sincere, and always focused on the person he was talking with, and always upbeat.  He reached out to many young scientists and – perhaps unknowingly – reaffirmed and fanned their passions over science and over being a scientist.  Tom will be deeply missed by many friends and colleagues, certainly including myself.


Douglas A. Kelt

Professor of Wildlife Ecology
Department of Wildlife, Fish, & Conservation Biology
1081 Academic Surge
University of California
One Shields Ave.
Davis CA 95616-5270  USA
Tel: +1 530-754-9481 Fax: +1 530-752-4154
dakelt [at] ucdavis [dot] edu

President, American Society of Mammalogists


See the Centennial Issue of the Journal of Mammalogy<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/asm.wildapricot.org/EmailTracker/LinkTracker.ashx?linkAndRecipientCode=H60woVU2gWmPWLg62rxY2xB05N7lfKCQKPxaigAdS*2fmg9ObUhQAECdOUjefRkTmxhJx62UXm*2fH925olQofp0xW7eYE9TfkBWxNNy0qA5kYc*3d__;JSUl!!KGKeukY!g7NXppayju72M-OUrwI_4OhhimsQIs0i9kTh4mCleXGMy1OuLTe2GnYMgJJoSOhLPrQ$>.

Subject Editor, Ecography



Editorial Advisor, Therya


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