[Natfinwellness] Free Consumer.gov Tools for Educators and Students

Miranda, Cristina cmiranda at ftc.gov
Mon Feb 29 10:53:08 EST 2016

Hi everyone,

Please see below for information on Consumer.gov.

Consumer.gov and Consumidor.gov Provide Free
Consumer Protection Tools for Educators and Students

Looking for free tools to help students understand consumer protection basics - including financial literacy - in plain and simple language?  The Federal Trade Commission has a free educational website - Consumer.gov<http://www.consumer.gov/> in English and Consumidor.gov<http://www.consumidor.gov/> in Spanish - which help people avoid scams, manage their money, use credit and loans carefully, and protect their personal information.
The site is easy to use, easy to navigate, and accessible to people with different learning styles and literacy levels. Educators can access free articles, videos<http://www.consumer.gov/videos>, and worksheets about managing money<http://www.consumer.gov/section/managing-your-money>, - including making a budget<https://bulkorder.ftc.gov/publications/make-budget-worksheet>; credit, loans, and debt<http://www.consumer.gov/section/credit-loans-and-debt>, how to get and fix credit<https://bulkorder.ftc.gov/publications/your-credit-history-what-do>; and avoiding scams and identity theft<http://www.consumer.gov/section/scams-and-identity-theft>. Other tools include presentations, and lesson plans (arriving Spring 2016). You can also hear content read aloud; just click the "listen" button next to each article in either English or Spanish.
It's easy - and free - to use and share Consumer.gov and Consumidor.gov information. Everything is in the public domain, so cut and paste and use as you wish. You can download copies to hand out, link to a page or copy text into a newsletter. There are no copyright limits.

Or we can send you free printed copies of the Consumer.gov and Consumidor.gov materials. Resources come in a sample pack<https://bulkorder.ftc.gov/publications/consumergov-sample-pack>, including all topics in English and Spanish, or in tear-off pads of 50<https://bulkorder.ftc.gov/publications?f%5b0%5d=field_campaigns%3A1601> for each topic. Students can refer to these one-page flyers when making financial decisions, or complete the Making a Budget<http://www.consumer.gov/content/make-budget-worksheet> worksheet to make their own monthly budget. Order as many free copies as you want from ftc.gov/bulkorder<https://bulkorder.ftc.gov/publications?f%5b0%5d=field_campaigns%3A1601> and the FTC will ship them to you for free!

Thank you!

Cristina Miranda
Federal Trade Commission
Division of Consumer and Business Education
Tel. 202.326.2669
cmiranda at ftc.gov<mailto:cmiranda at ftc.gov>

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