[mvapich-discuss] Configre with hwloc, but have errors

haoanyi haoanyi at 163.com
Fri Mar 26 15:40:17 EDT 2010

Hi, Krishna,
I really appreicate your help. 
I just want to use cpu affinity in mpi. Initially, I installed MVAPICH (configured with no hwloc). And I also use MV2_CPU_MAPPING=0:1 in the mpirun_rsh. To make sure, I also add MV2_ENABLE_AFFINITY=1 into the command line. However, I did not observe processes being binded to cores, by using "top". That caused to me to explore how MVAMPICH supports cpu affinity, and was directed to hwloc.

I wonder if this command really can do cpu affinity in MVAPICH2 which is simply installed without hwloc.
>>LD_LIBRARY_PATH=goto:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH mpirun_rsh -np 2 -hostfile ../mpdintel.hosts MV2_ENABLE_AFFINITY=1 MV2_CPU_MAPPING=4 ./main 32 32 tests/

where mpdintel.hosts has: 


2010-03-27 02:58:01,"Krishna Chaitanya Kandalla" <kandalla at cse.ohio-state.edu> 

>Hi Haoanyi, >MVAPICH2 works with InfiniBand, iWARP and RDMAoE. Within our library, we  >try to detect the hardware architecture and we bind the processes to  >cores in a specific manner, even without hwloc. >But, if you are specifically looking for using hwloc with TCP/IP, I  >think you are better off using MPICH2's latest release. > >Thanks, >Krishna > >haoanyi wrote: >> 
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