[mvapich-discuss] How to setup mpd with make.mvapich.gen2

zhangyigang zhangyg at mail.iggcas.ac.cn
Wed Mar 12 06:19:42 EDT 2008

Dear All: 

I download mvapich-1.0 and try to set it up in my machines. Following the
user guide, I choose make.mvapich.gen2 for my machine and run the setup by


Everything goes smoothly. I got mpif90, mpicc, etc. But I cannot get mpd
(which I am so customed to because I always used mpich2 and mvapich2). So I
modified make.mvapich.gen2 as follows: 

 --with-device=ch4-gen2 --with-device=ch-4mpd 

The compiling gives an error message. 

Could you kindly inform me how to set up openfabrics/gen2 and mpd together? 

BTW, how to run a program with mvapich? I used to use mvapich2 with mpd.
The user guide says just setup ssh and then mpirun_rsh -np 1 -hostfile
cluster ./a.out. I tried, but the program did not run. Do we need first to
run a daemon or something else before mpirun_rsh (like in mvapich2, we have
to run mpdboot first before mpiexec)? 

Thanks greatly for your answer. 

yigang Zhang

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