MCLC: Censorship and salesmanship at US book fair (10)

MCLC LIST denton.2 at
Sat Jun 20 09:51:05 EDT 2015

Censorship and salesmanship at US book fair (10)
One incident that springs to mind in this fascinating discussion occurred when I was working in the China Daily office in 1990-92 developing an index for the newspaper. I was privileged to associate with and accompany many of the journalists who were working on the newspaper at the time and one thing that sticks in my mind is how those working on the entertainment pages were beating themselves over the head pondering why China was unable to produce good pop/rock music when Taiwan and Hong Kong (who were then top of the pops, so to speak) were so eminently able, and I do remember wondering at the time why it did not occur to them that perhaps some of the forces at the time that were confining Cui Jian to playing only to the diplomatic crowd in Sanlitun might not have something to do with it? A similar feeling came over me in my discussions with a prominent "dissident" (but I would rather term him more near mainstream Marxist and someone I felt more aligned to) theoretician who could not bring himself to consider the fact that perhaps China was not socialist at that stage (nor any stage yet, for that matter) and so some of the theoretical conundrums in circulation at the time ("socialism with Chinese characteristics" being only one of them) might just be built on a false premise.
Darrell Dorrington <Darrell.Dorrington at>
by denton.2 at on June 20, 2015
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