MCLC: iPhone Chinese apps (12)

Denton, Kirk denton.2 at
Wed Jan 2 11:18:01 EST 2013

From: Frances Weightman <F.Weightman at>
Subject: iPhone Chinese apps (12)

My recollection is that the OCR add-on cost less than 20 US. You may need
to buy the complete Pleco package to get it but my view is that it is well
worth it. Go to the Pleco App from the App store and all the details are
there. Of course like any OCR programme it's not perfect and you need a
steady hand to use it but I find it very useful and certainly our students
like it!

There are various clips on YouTube which can give you an idea of what it
does (search for Pleco OCR, or try

As I say you need iPhone 4 or later - I did hear they were developing
versions for android phones too - don't know if they are available or not


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