MCLC: Cornell position

Denton, Kirk denton.2 at
Tue Sep 4 09:19:14 EDT 2012

From: kirk (denton.2 at
Subject: Cornell position

Assistant Professor - Modern Chinese LiteratureThe Department of Asian
Studies at Cornell University announces a tenure-track assistant professor
position for a scholar and teacher of modern Chinese literature
specializing in any area of 20th - 21st century literary production,
including film and media, and able to teach a general education
"Introduction to China" class as well as more advanced undergraduate
courses and graduate seminars. Ph.D. in hand by July 1, 2013, and
publishing record or strong potential for publishing are important. Submit
by November 5, 2012, a letter of application, curriculum vitae, writing
sample, statement of teaching experience, and three letters of
recommendation electronically at

For further information contact: asianstudiesjobs at

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