MCLC: Pathlight and Peregrine (11)

Denton, Kirk denton.2 at
Sat Aug 18 11:39:48 EDT 2012

From: Chris Berry <c.berry at>
Subject: Pathlight and Peregrine (11)

The issue of Gao's citizenship and the question of whether or not he is
recognized as Chinese by the Chinese government is all a matter of
convenience. If they liked him, they would praise him to the high heavens
and claim him as Chinese, even if his citizenship was not Chinese. When
Ang Lee won an Oscar for BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, the China Daily declared "Ang
Lee is the pride of the Chinese people all over the world, and he is the
glory of Chinese cinematic talent." Of course, they also omitted all
mention of homosexuality in the film -- which was banned in China -- or
the fact that Ang was born in Taiwan. But, of course, they really don't
like Gao Xingjian or his work, so they must be very happy that they can
say he is not Chinese. I'm afraid that to argue that this is all about
being accurate in statements of fact takes the rest of us for fools.

Chris Berry

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