[Electronicsclub] First Meeting and Open Lab Hours

Nickolas Halliday halliday.70 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
Thu Jan 10 18:10:30 EST 2013

Hey Everybody!

It's the start of a new semester, and that means it's time to kick things off for Electronics Club! First off, I'd like to wish the best of luck to Cory Henderson, our former club co-President, who graduated at the end of Fall Semester. As many of you may know, Cory was invaluable in keeping the logistics of the organization running smoothly, and was instrumental in the start-up of our current lab space. Good luck, Cory! You're an ECE now!

We've gotten several emails from people interested in joining, as well as questions regarding open lab hours and meeting times for the semesters. I apologize for the delay in getting this information out there; the start up of this semester has been a little chaotic.

First Meeting of the Semester: The tentative date for our first meeting will be Thursday, January 17th at 6:30PM. If the majority of those interested cannot attend, we can adjust the time. Presently the plan is to hold the meeting in the lab (Caldwell 078), but the location might be moved to a larger room in Caldwell. A definite time and place for the meeting will be announced over the weekend.

Regarding Open Lab Hours: My open lab hours will be on Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30PM to 7:30PM. They'll be posted on the site calender as soon as I resolve a technical issue. If other club members with full-lab access have available time to contribute to open lab hours, that would be greatly appreciated.

New Equipment: As a result of the renovations in the Power Lab, we've received two new workbenches, with a third on the way. These benches have several built-in outlets, and provide an environment more conducive to soldering and testing. In addition, one of the benches has a built-in VARIAC for AC-related testing. There is a hold on the equipment we were to receive from the ECE Department (from the old labs), but I will be talking to administrators in the department to see if we can get that rolling again.

If you have any questions regarding lab hours, the first meeting, or anything else, feel free to contact me at: halliday.70 at osu.edu

Here's to another semester of Electronics Club!

-Nick Halliday
OSU Electronics Club

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