[Electronicsclub] Meeting Time and Location

Nickolas Halliday halliday.70 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
Sun Jan 13 13:10:34 EST 2013

Hey Everyone!

The location for the first meeting has been set: it will be held in the lab (Caldwell 078). As far as the time goes, I've had a few people tell me they can't make it. If you can't make the tentative meeting time (this Thursday at 6:30) please let me know if you haven't already done so. If most people can make it, we'll hold the meeting at the original time, and I'll make arrangements to meet with those who couldn't make it. If most people can't make it, we'll reschedule for a better time. The meeting will be pretty basic, and if you are new to the club, it will serve as an introduction to what we do.

One other announcement: Open Lab hours will be starting this week. Changes have been made to the website calender, and a paper copy should be going up soon. Again, if any full-access lab members have some time to contribute for lab hours, that would be greatly appreciated.

Questions, comments, concerns? Contact me at: halliday.70 at osu.edu

-Nick Halliday
OSU Electronics Club
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