[Vwoolf] Woolf, Morrison, Mitford

Gretchen Gerzina ozma at sover.net
Mon May 17 11:36:35 EDT 2021

I too saw the article on Woolf and Morrison, and was surprised at one omission: Toni Morrison wrote her master’s thesis on Woolf and Faulkner, so there is influence in her writing.


On another note, the noted biographer Carla Kaplan is finishing a biography of Jessica Mitford. I don’t know the publication date.


And finally, I wrote about the Hoax in my article “Bushmen and Blackface: Bloomsbury and Race” some years back, and also spoke about it at the VW conference when it was held at Duke. Much has been written about it since then, but I think it may have been the first to address Bloomsbury and race.



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