[Vwoolf] Remembering Virginia Woolf on 28 March 2021

Neverow, Vara S. neverowv1 at southernct.edu
Sun Mar 28 17:01:01 EDT 2021

Dear all,

Below are various websites that have commemorated the eightieth anniversary of Woolf's death on 28 March 1941. The sites offer a range of perspectives and topics.

Paula Maggio's detailed post on Blogging Woolf lists several of the sources that are also listed below and mentions the Italian Virginia Woolf Society, which honored Woolf today with a gathering titled "Yay Virginia" on Facebook.

[https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bloggingwoolf.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/3762B78A-C176-48A4-A0D2-E74D340F84E2-1024x730.jpeg__;!!KGKeukY!m0H9lqRqTr_qpuiKEj74eikjQkG2hlssXwZwWzodEd5lkeZSxwKaZFAdpXmRCEUEGTU$ ]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bloggingwoolf.org/2021/03/28/eighty-years-later-we-remember-virginia-woolf/__;!!KGKeukY!m0H9lqRqTr_qpuiKEj74eikjQkG2hlssXwZwWzodEd5lkeZSxwKaZFAdpXmRy5daZtQ$ >
Eighty years later, we remember Virginia Woolf | Blogging Woolf<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bloggingwoolf.org/2021/03/28/eighty-years-later-we-remember-virginia-woolf/__;!!KGKeukY!m0H9lqRqTr_qpuiKEj74eikjQkG2hlssXwZwWzodEd5lkeZSxwKaZFAdpXmRy5daZtQ$ >
“80 years ago today the world lost a great writer in Virginia Woolf. However, we would prefer to celebrate her life, and the fact that she gave us ten novels, a biography, two feminist treatises, three dozen short stories, enough essays and reviews to fill six chunky volumes, thousands of letters, perhaps the most detailed diary by any writer, several memoirs, three Russian translations, a ...
Emma Woolf's article in Daily Express reflects on Woolf's life (Paula's post includes both this article and an earlier one published by the Islington Tribune).

[https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/39/750x445/1414738.jpg__;!!KGKeukY!m0H9lqRqTr_qpuiKEj74eikjQkG2hlssXwZwWzodEd5lkeZSxwKaZFAdpXmRXB2g7JI$ ]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/books/1414738/virginia-woolf-writer-novelist-author-ground-breaking-death__;!!KGKeukY!m0H9lqRqTr_qpuiKEj74eikjQkG2hlssXwZwWzodEd5lkeZSxwKaZFAdpXmR6TXu9oA$ >
Virginia Woolf: Why we're still afraid to forget the feted writer 80 years after her death | Books | Entertainment | Express.co.uk<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/books/1414738/virginia-woolf-writer-novelist-author-ground-breaking-death__;!!KGKeukY!m0H9lqRqTr_qpuiKEj74eikjQkG2hlssXwZwWzodEd5lkeZSxwKaZFAdpXmR6TXu9oA$ >
SOME 80 years after her untimely death at the age of 59, Virginia Woolf's final words still carry an incredible poignancy. As well as a suicide note, they are a love letter to her husband Leonard ...

Maggie Humm has posted a photograph of Woolf from the Monk's House Photograph Albums held in the Harvard Theatre Collection, Houghton Library, Hollis Archives. Maggie explored these photographs in depth in her volume Snapshots of Bloomsbury (Rutgers University Press, 2005).

Filmed at the London Library for the Lit Fest, Charlotte Westernra directs Linda Marshall-Griffiths in a production of A Room of One's Own. The performance will be aired on 1 May 2021 (the registration fee is £10).
[https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://static1.squarespace.com/static/6022aefa9a0cdd54b1bbf007/6023f8266221a21ccce6eb4f/6050d6f452a6b53e3ddf6783/1616503006825/roombanner.jpg?format=1500w__;!!KGKeukY!m0H9lqRqTr_qpuiKEj74eikjQkG2hlssXwZwWzodEd5lkeZSxwKaZFAdpXmRTmVWS_Q$ ]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.londonlibrarylitfest.co.uk/events/a-room-of-ones-own__;!!KGKeukY!m0H9lqRqTr_qpuiKEj74eikjQkG2hlssXwZwWzodEd5lkeZSxwKaZFAdpXmRbckCguw$ >
A Room of One's Own (performance) — The London Library Lit Fest<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.londonlibrarylitfest.co.uk/events/a-room-of-ones-own__;!!KGKeukY!m0H9lqRqTr_qpuiKEj74eikjQkG2hlssXwZwWzodEd5lkeZSxwKaZFAdpXmRbckCguw$ >
Marking the 80th anniversary of Virginia Woolf’s death, we premiere our dramatisation of her iconic 1928 feminist polemic, A Room of One’s Own , adapted by Linda Marshall-Griffiths, directed by Charlotte Westenra and filmed in the atmospheric spaces of The London Library.

Kay Stephens has posted a handmade miniature room of Woolf's own at:
[https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.penbaypilot.com/sites/default/files/2018/03/field/image/image6.JPG__;!!KGKeukY!m0H9lqRqTr_qpuiKEj74eikjQkG2hlssXwZwWzodEd5lkeZSxwKaZFAdpXmR7YIy_hA$ ]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.penbaypilot.com/affiliate-post/virginia-woolf-s-suicide-letter-march-28-1941/99330__;!!KGKeukY!m0H9lqRqTr_qpuiKEj74eikjQkG2hlssXwZwWzodEd5lkeZSxwKaZFAdpXmRIo7Wtlc$ >
Virginia Woolf’s suicide letter March 28, 1941 | PenBay Pilot<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.penbaypilot.com/affiliate-post/virginia-woolf-s-suicide-letter-march-28-1941/99330__;!!KGKeukY!m0H9lqRqTr_qpuiKEj74eikjQkG2hlssXwZwWzodEd5lkeZSxwKaZFAdpXmRIo7Wtlc$ >
A sad anniversary to remember a gifted writer. Here is the letter she penned to her husband Leonard before she filled her overcoat pockets with rocks and walked into the River Ouse to drown.. In 1929, Virginia Woolf's essay "A Room of One's Own" imagined a literal and figurative space for women writers.
Maria Popova on the website Charter for Compassion reflects on Woolf's death and the ways that her suicide was represented.

March 28, 1941: Virginia Woolf's Suicide Letter<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://charterforcompassion.org/defining-and-understanding-compassion/march-28-1941-virginia-woolf-s-suicide-letter__;!!KGKeukY!m0H9lqRqTr_qpuiKEj74eikjQkG2hlssXwZwWzodEd5lkeZSxwKaZFAdpXmReDYY6YY$ >
by Maria Popova. A humbling reminder that self-righteousness is the enemy of compassion and judging another human being’s private struggle is a disgrace to our own humanity.

All best,


Vara Neverow
Department of English
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, CT 06515
neverowv1 at southernct.edu
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