[Vwoolf] Panel on Woolf-inspired biofiction at the conference "Biofiction as World Literature"

Laura Cernat cernat.laura at kuleuven.be
Sat Jul 10 04:12:21 EDT 2021

Dear Woolfians,

The programme for the conference Biofiction as World Literature/ La biofiction comme littérature mondiale (15-18 September 2021) is now live:


There is a panel on Woolf-inspired biofiction on the first day, so maybe some of you are interested in joining. We are trying to prepare for a blended event (some in-person attendance and some online), but it all depends on the safety regulations and on the international travel restrictions, which tend to change from month to month. You can sign up until August 1st via the registration page: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.arts.kuleuven.be/biofiction-as-world-literature/registration-form__;!!KGKeukY!kC7SRjWD-pctUgRWU0WalEErPyDQaIjnFaX84OD8sNl36P6Nv1lWd_VE8MJTo1icX-E$ 

We've heard that registering is a bit of a hassle, because one has to make an external user account with KU Leuven, but please don't let this discourage you. I'm here for any troubleshooting with the form or for other questions regarding the conference.

Wishing everyone a relaxing summer,


Laura Cernat

PhD candidate, KU Leuven, Department of Literary Studies
FWO doctoral fellow

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