[Vwoolf] Vwoolf Digest, Cats

Ellen Moody ellen.moody at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 16:50:12 EST 2021

Why thank you very much, Gretchen -- if I may.   I attended (via zoom) Prof
Gerzina's lecture on Black characters in recent costume dramas -- as well
as presence in "real solemn history" in the UK (also in Paris) and 19th
century novels (Thackeray's Vanity Fair) at a JASNA-NYC online meeting.  I
take this opportunity to mention the film adaptation of Andrea Levy's Small
Island, where Black characters are treated with real insight, humanity,
equality, dignity &c. Perhaps because the originating text is by a Black
English woman (not a white romance writer).  I have not been watching PBS
of late so don't know how A Long Song (adaptation of another Levy book) is
doing.  Or if there are any cats -- cats are more difficult to train than
dogs.  But Outlander has its Adso -- did the Woolfs keep cats as pets or
indoor-outdoor presences?  I don't remember any in the diaries.


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