[Somean] Methods class guest speaker schedule

Babel, Anna M. babel.6 at osu.edu
Fri Aug 28 12:43:40 EDT 2020

Hi SoMean participants, here are the guest speaker names, topics, and (when available) dates for my graduate class in qualitative field methods this semester.  Please let me know if you’d like to be added to the Carmen site (to follow along with the course), or if you’d like to be included when I send out links for a particular speaker.  As I mentioned, this is “asynchronous” so there is no fixed time when these take place; if you indicate you’re interested, I’ll send out both the link for the live Zoom discussion and the recording afterwards.  While there’s no obligation to do any extra reading if you just want to observe the call or watch the recording, I’ll also let you know what we’re reading for the week (since in many cases, it will be something written by the guest speaker).

A couple of the speakers are still tentative/unconfirmed, and all the specific times/days could change.  Please do not forward or share the links without permission.  Let me know ahead of time if you are planning to join the live Zoom session, and please let students who are enrolled in the class have the first opportunity at taking the floor for questions or comments.

I’m really excited about this series of talks; it is certainly unusual to have so many amazing scholars discussing qualitative methods in one series of talks, and I can’t imagine I would have ever attempted it if it weren’t for the COVID-related changes to our academic routines.  My GREAT appreciation goes to everyone who has agreed to participate as a guest speaker this semester.


Dr. Kelly Fayard, University of Denver
n/Native ethnography; the colonial underpinnings of the concept of “the field”
(tentatively) 2 pm Wednesday, September 2nd

Dr. Leslie Moore, OSU
Ethics and the IRB
(tentatively) 2 pm Friday, September 11th

Dr. Galey Modan, OSU (tentative)
Ethnography and participant-observation
Week of September 14th

Dr. Erika Hoffman-Dilloway, Oberlin College
Field notes & drawings
Week of September 22nd

Dr. Ilana Gershon, Indiana University
(tentatively) Wednesday, September 30th at 2 pm

Dr. Amelia Tseng, American University
Questionnaires, surveys, & mapping
(tentatively) Wednesday, October 7th at 2 pm

Dr. Ryan Skinner, OSU (tentative)
Textual/visual/media data and sensory experiences
Week of October 13th

Dr. Sherina Feliciano-Santos, University of South Carolina
Leaving the field; ongoing reciprocal relationships; trauma and fieldwork
(tentatively) Wednesday, October 21st at 12 pm

Dr. Norma Mendoza-Denton, UCLA
Integrating different types of data
Week of October 26th

Graduate student panel: Justin Pinta, Santiago Gualapuro Gualapuro, Luana Lamberti, Ashlee Dauphinais
Fieldwork / COVID
Week of November 3rd

Dr. Elaine Chun, University of South Carolina
Transcription and conversation analysis
(tentatively) Friday, November 13th at 3 pm

TBD (maybe Dr. Mark Sicoli, University of Virginia)
Multimodal analysis
Week of November 16th

TBD (maybe Lal Zimman, University of Santa Barbara)
Constructing an argument
Week of November 30th

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