MCLC: Cantonese novels (1)

Denton, Kirk denton.2 at
Fri Aug 23 09:59:03 EDT 2013

From: Mirana May SZETO <mmszeto at>
Subject: Cantonese novels (1)

Dear list members,

Actually, there are novels of much higher calibre written in Cantonese,
or at least with a significant portion in Cantonese by some of the most
representative Hong Kong writers, like Dung Kai-cheung (Dong Qizhang),
Wong Bik-wan (Huang Biyun), Sai Sai (Xi Xi) and others.

I have written a piece about Wong Bik-wan's masterpiece written with
working class and peasant women's Cantonese of two different historical
periods, which I described as "Sinophone Subaltern Resistance: The
CUNTonese of the lienü (烈女)". Her recent works have kept this
Cantonese cultural politics when writing from the perspectives of
subaltern characters.

The bibliography is:

Szeto, Mirana M., "Intra-local and inter-local Sinophone: Rhizomatic
Politics of Hong Kong writers Saisai and Wong Bik-wan," in Sinophone
Studies: A Critical Reader, Shih, Shu-mei,Chien-hsin Tsai & Brian
Bernards ed., Columbia University Press, pp. 191-206.

Mirana M. Szeto
Comparative Literature
University of Hong Kong

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