MCLC: suicide in literature and media (1)

Denton, Kirk denton.2 at
Fri Aug 2 08:21:15 EDT 2013

From: Claudia <claudia.pozzana at>
Subject: suicide in literature and media (1)

There are plenty of literary works with representation of suicide, as you
are aware. I would suggest anyway to read carefully  Durkheim's
theoretical work on suicide. Otherwise there is no theory. Moreover in the
Tens and Twenties during New Culture Movement many intellectuals wrote on
suicide, for instance Li Dazhao under the pressure of Asian suicide trend.
Mao Zedong wrote about "The suicide of Miss Zhao" an important series of
essays on the subject, with a literary taste as well. In Japan at the same
time there were studies on suicide which influenced Chinese scholars.


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