MCLC: London Book Fair criticized (7)

Denton, Kirk denton.2 at
Sat Mar 24 15:46:01 EDT 2012

From: michele scrimenti (thevorama at
Subject: London Book Fair criticized (7)

The type of information given by Scott Savitt makes Bei Ling even less
reliable. He obviously has an axe to grind and hates Beijing. When is the
last time he was in China? Chinas transformation in the last two decades
is like the difference between Victorian England and tony Blair England.
If we want an accurate picture of 2000s uk why would we read dickens?
That's what we do when we listen to exiles like Bei Ling and Ma Jian.

This is obviously and emotional issue--one that some westerners, with
their modern conception of objectivism, are unable to react to rationally.

We need to look for ways to understand China without immediately talking
about Tiananmen square otherwise we are always living in the past, always
fixated on truths that once were but never will be again.


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