[Heb-NACO] something you might be interested in

Gottschalk, Haim hgot at loc.gov
Mon Mar 6 10:54:38 EST 2023

Some of you might find this topic of cataloging of interest.
Purim Sameah,
Fragmentarium Video Conference: Round Table on Cataloguing in situ Fragments
Fragmentarium Video Conferences<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.youtube.com/@fragmentarium6116/videos__;!!KGKeukY!0iHcbF1q5Zl90XNnqLeNIjFCKNGafHzgoLq9cMOvChuAlf-1X1IoXVSqP5HwO-6JoSgQBkGlGxc_vQJugw$ > are back, starting with a pair of round tables on cataloguing fragments.
Friday, 10 March 2023, at 5 PM Zürich time (4 PM in the UK, 11 AM Eastern Standard Time, 8 AM PST), there will be a Round Table on Cataloguing in-situ Fragments, featuring

  *   Marina Bernasconi Reusser, Centro di competenza per il libro antico, Lugano, director of the project “Ticinensia disiecta”
  *   Adinel Dincă, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj, director of the project “Literacy and Literary Culture in Mediasch/Mediaş (Transylvania) in the 14th-16th Centuries. Conservation, virtual reconstruction, and scholarly analysis of a Transylvanian parish church and gymnasium library.”
  *   Alessandra Molinari, Università di Urbino, director of the project “Textus Invisibilis”
The Round Table will be held on Zoom. Those interested in participating are asked to register<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZclfuiupz8qH939IrT_FF0bWEuP6TM3FeYr__;!!KGKeukY!0iHcbF1q5Zl90XNnqLeNIjFCKNGafHzgoLq9cMOvChuAlf-1X1IoXVSqP5HwO-6JoSgQBkGlGxfeuG-pVw$ >. The round table will be recorded.
REGISTRATION: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZclfuiupz8qH939IrT_FF0bWEuP6TM3FeYr__;!!KGKeukY!0iHcbF1q5Zl90XNnqLeNIjFCKNGafHzgoLq9cMOvChuAlf-1X1IoXVSqP5HwO-6JoSgQBkGlGxfeuG-pVw$ 
Coming soon: the Fragmentarium Video Conference Round Table on Cataloguing Loose Fragments (Monday, 3 April 2023 at 5 PM Zürich time).
William Duba
Center for Manuscript Studies – University of Fribourg

Haim A. Gottschalk
Hebraica and Judaica Cataloging Librarian
Asian and Middle Eastern Division, Israel and Judaica Section
Onsite Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and alternate Fridays

The Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave, SE, LM-537
Washington, DC 20540-4222

Direct: 202-707-2498
hgot at loc.gov<mailto:hgot at loc.gov>

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