[Heb-NACO] Fwd: [PCCLIST] New NACO fields and subfields ready for use

Heidi G Lerner lerner at stanford.edu
Mon Mar 2 11:23:36 EST 2015

FYI - 

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From: "Paul Frank" <pfrank at LOC.GOV> 
Sent: Monday, March 2, 2015 4:09:48 AM 
Subject: [PCCLIST] New NACO fields and subfields ready for use 

Hi everyone, 

The NACO nodes have completed the work necessary to exchange some recent additions to the MARC format. 

1) New subfields for MARC 368 (Other Attributes of Person or Corporate Body) 

2) New subfields for MARC 046 (Special Coded Dates) 

3) New MARC fields for 385, 386, 672, and 673. 


1) New subfields for MARC 368 (Other Attributes of Person or Corporate Body) 

New MARC 368 subfields: 

$d Title of person 

$s Start period 

$t End period 

$u Uniform Resource Identifier 

$v Source of information 

You may code these new subfields in NACO records where appropriate, exercising your cataloger’s judgment on whether to add them. They are not required. 

Best practice: 368 subfield $d Title of person 

Although NACO generally prefers the use of controlled terms in the 3XX fields, a controlled term in 368 subfield $d for the title of a person might not be appropriate, since the title of a person is based on usage. I suggest (with thanks to Adam Schiff) that you record in 368 subfield $d a title that you have included in either an authorized or variant access point. 368 subfield $d is repeatable. 

For example: 

100 0 Sulaymān $b I, $c Shah of Iran, $d 1658 or 1659-1694 

368 $d Shah of Iran 

100 0 Alexandra, $c Empress, consort of Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia, $d 1798-1860 

368 $d Empress, consort of Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia $d Princess of Prussia 

400 0 Frederika Luisa Charlotte Wilhelmina, $c Princess of Prussia, $d 1798-1860 

2) New subfields for MARC 046 (Special Coded Dates) 

New MARC 046 subfields: 

$o Single or starting date for aggregated content 

$p - Ending date for aggregated content 

You may code these new subfields in NACO records where appropriate, exercising your cataloger’s judgment on whether to add them. They are not required. 

3) New MARC fields for 385, 386, 672, and 673. 

385 Audience Characteristics 

386 Creator/Contributor Characteristics 

672 Title Related to the Entity 

673 Title Not Related to the Entity 

You may code these new fields in NACO records where appropriate, exercising your cataloger’s judgment on whether to add them. They are not required. 

NACO best practice 

Guidelines and examples for the new fields are being developed by the PCC Standing Committee on Training (SCT). 

It might be a good idea to wait for the NACO best practice guidelines to be developed before you start adding these new fields , but you may add them now if you wish. Please follow the guidelines in the MARC 21 Authority Format while the NACO best practice guidelines are being developed. 

Here are some basic things to keep in mind about the new fields: 

385 Audience Characteristics 

386 Creator/Contributor Characteristics 

These fields are used in NACO records for Works and Expressions . Please do not use these fields in authority records for persons. 

Paul Frank 

Acting Coordinator, NACO and SACO Programs 

Cooperative Programs Section 

Cooperative and Instructional Programs Division 

Library of Congress 

101 Independence Ave., SE 

Washington, DC 20540-4230 


pfrank at loc.gov 

Heidi G. Lerner 
Metadata Librarian for Hebraica and Judaica 
Metadata Development Unit 
Stanford University Libraries 
Stanford, CA 94305-6004 
e-mail: lerner at stanford.edu 
ph: 650-725-9953 
fax: 650-725-1120 

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