[Heb-NACO] Israeli military structure

Kuperman, Aaron akup at loc.gov
Mon Jun 1 07:19:57 EDT 2015

This isn't so clear, looking at RDA<http://access.rdatoolkit.org/document.php?id=rdachp11&target=rda11-2998#rda11-2998>.  I suggest someone (perhaps the Hebrew NACO funnel) might want to draw up a proposed policy statement and ask that RDA be clarified.  If you look at the examples, note that the American "Marine Corps" and "Army Air Forces" were both entered without reference to  the larger unit that they were part of.  Also the Canadians also have a unified military structure (similar to Israel) and the examples seem to reflect a view that would treat the air and sea arms differently than the land forces. Of course, it is possible that the person writing the example was unaware that the Marines are a part of the Navy, that the WWII era Air Force was a branch of the Army, or that the Canadians have long since switched to unified military structure. In all fairness, while in theory the Israeli Air Force and Navy are merely units of the larger Tseva haganah le-yisrael, they wear different uniforms and as in most countries, regardless of the official structure, the naval and air units seem to end up being de facto more distinct from the land units than say, the artillery or the infantry.

Since this affects many countries, under RDA (as opposed to the status quo ante under AACR2) it is reasonable to get RDA "fixed" without spending many years waiting for a new edition.

Aaron Kuperman, LC Law Cataloging Section.
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From: Heb-naco [mailto:heb-naco-bounces at lists.osu.edu] On Behalf Of Elhanan Adler
Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2015 10:30 PM
To: 'heb-naco at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu'
Subject: [Heb-NACO] Israeli military structure

Shalom all


$aIsrael.$bHel ha-yam
$aIsrael.$bHel ha-avir
$aIsrael.Tseva haganah le-yisrael
$aIsrael.Tseva haganah le-yisrael.$$bHel ha-tothanim
$aIsrael.Tseva haganah le-yisrael.$bHel modi'in

I think this is copied over from the American model where the Army, Navy and Air Force are independent military organizations. But in Israel this is not correct since the air force and navy are sub-units of Tseva haganah le-yisrael

Shouldn't they be:
$aIsrael.Tseva haganah le-yisrael.$$bHel ha-yam
$aIsrael.Tseva haganah le-yisrael.$$bHel ha-avir


Elhanan Adler
Email: elhanana at savion.huji.ac.il<mailto:elhanana at savion.huji.ac.il>
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