[Heb-NACO] New Hebraica Cataloging Manual now online

Joan Biella jbiella2632 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 21:27:59 EST 2015

The form that can be accessed from
http://rascat.pbworks.com/w/page/7836007/FrontPage is correct.


On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 8:08 AM, Heidi G Lerner <lerner at stanford.edu> wrote:

> Hi Neil,
> I just checked it at the AJL RAS Cataloging Committee Wiki site and
> everything looks fine. Perhaps you were accessing an older draft version.
> You might try deleting all cookies and then reopening the site.
> Or is it possible that you what sent here is from a different URL or
> website?
> Thanks, Heidi
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"Neil Manel Frau-Cortes" <nfrau at umd.edu>
> *To: *"Hebrew Name Authority Funnel" <heb-naco at lists.osu.edu>
> *Sent: *Monday, February 23, 2015 5:49:16 AM
> *Subject: *Re: [Heb-NACO] New Hebraica Cataloging Manual now online
> Hi,
> A number of these examples are backwards or have typos.
> Kol tuv,
> *ALA-LC Systematic Romanization for Ladino*
> *Ladino*
> *Roman*
> *Examples*
> א
> (see note 1)
> (-) a-
>  אמאר/amar/ ”love”
> פאה /pe’ah/ “side curl”
> איי
> ay
> טראמב׳איי /ṭramvay/ “railroad”
> ב, בּ
> b
> שקארוּב /bushḳar/ “look for”
> בֿ, ב׳
> v
> אחארב׳אר /aḥarvar/ “beat”
> ג, גּ
> g
> ריגּסאנ /sangre/ “blood”
> גֿ, ג׳
> j
> סטארוּג׳א /ajusṭar/ “add”
> גׄ
> ch
> יקיס גׄ/chiḳes/ “youth”
> ד, דּ
> d
> דין /din/ “religious law”
> דֿ ,ד׳
> dh
> סוּד׳וד /sudhor/ “sweat”
> ה
> (see note 4)
> -ah
> סאלה /salah/ “room”
> ו
> (see note 4)
> ṿ
> ושט /ṿesheṭ/ “gullet”
> o
> דוס /dos/ “two”
> w
> ואהגּא /agwah/ “water”
> u
> קארפוּס /ḳarpus/ “watermelon”
> ואי
> (see note 2)
> we
> מואיס /mwes/ “nut”
> ואִי
> wi
> סואִיב׳אר /swivar/ “follow”
> וּ יי
> uy
> מוּיי /muy/ “much”
> וֹיי
> oy
>  בוֹיי/boy/ “height, size”
> ז
> z
> קאזאל /ḳazal/ “village”
> זֿ, ז׳
> zh
> מוּז׳יר /muzher/ “woman, wife”
> ח
> חאביר /ḥaber/ “news”
> ט
>  טאד׳רי /ṭadhre/ “late”
> י
> y
> יוסף /Yosef/ “Joseph”
> e
> ביל /bel/ “waist”
> יִ
> i
> פוּריִמליק /purimliḳ/ “Purim present”
> יי
> (see note 3)
> y
> ייו /yo/ “I”
> ye
> ייב׳אר /yevar/ “carry”
> דייס  /dyes/ “ten”
> יִי
> yi
> יִירגּסי /segyir/ “follow”
> ֵיי
> ey
> רֵיי /rey/ “king”
> כּ. ךּ
> k
> כּב׳וד /kavod/ “honor”
> כ, ך
> kh
> ברכה /berakhah/ “blessing”
> מלך /melekh/ “king”
> ל
> l
> לאמביר /lamber/ “lick”
> מ, ם
> m
> מייל /myel/ “honey”
> חאמאם /ḥamam/ “bath house”
> נ, ן
> n
> נה! /nah!/ “here! Behold!”
> לאד׳רון /ladhron/ “thief”
> ס
> s
> טלאגׄוּס /suṭlach/ “rice pudding”
> ע
> (see note 4)
> מערה /me‘arah/ “cave”
> פּ, פ
> p
>  פּאראס /paras/ “money”
>  קאסאפּ /ḳasap/ “butcher”
> פ, ף
> פ׳, ף׳
> פֿ, ףֿ
> f
>  פ׳ין /fin/ “end”
>  חריף׳  /ḥarif/ “acute”
> צ, ץ
> (see note 4)
> ts
>  צדקה /tsedaḳah/ “charity”
> ק
> קאב׳זאר /ḳavzar/ “cause”
> ר
> r
> ראקי /raḳi/ “arak”
> ש
> sh
> שאב׳ון /shavon/ “soap”
> ś
> ורהשׂב / beśorah/ “good news”
> t
> ורהתּ /Torah/ “Torah”
> *Ligature*
> al
> טהﭏב /balṭah/ “ax”
> *Neil M. Frau-Cortes, Ph.D.*
> Judaica, Hebraica and Metadata Cataloger
> McKeldin Library
> University of Maryland
> College Park, MD 20742
> Phone (301) 405-9337
> nfrau at umd.edu
> *From:* Heb-naco [mailto:heb-naco-bounces at lists.osu.edu] *On Behalf Of *Joan
> Biella
> *Sent:* Friday, February 06, 2015 4:52 PM
> *To:* Hebrew Name Authority Funnel
> *Subject:* [Heb-NACO] New Hebraica Cataloging Manual now online
> Dear Colleagues
>      At long last, the second edition of the Hebraica Cataloging Manual
> (incomplete but highly functional) is available for your use on the web at:
> http://online.sfsu.edu/biella/HCM2/hcm.html
> I want to thank Heidi Lerner, Jerry Anne Dickel and others for
> contributing to this edition.
>      If you find errors in the main text (not the 'Surrogates, Records and
> Analyses' pages which will open but are still under construction), please
> let me know at <jbiella2632 at gmail.com> <jbiella2632 at gmail.com>.
>     Le-hitkatev!
>            Joan
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> --
> Heidi G. Lerner
> Metadata Librarian for Hebraica and Judaica
> Metadata Development Unit
> Stanford University Libraries
> Stanford, CA 94305-6004
> e-mail: lerner at stanford.edu
> ph: 650-725-9953
> fax: 650-725-1120
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