[Heb-NACO] pt. 2, OCLC presentation for AJL 2014

Jasmin Nof jnof at upenn.edu
Wed Jul 2 10:41:30 EDT 2014

Part 2 (of 3) attached.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	OCLC presentation for AJL 2014
Date: 	Wed, 2 Jul 2014 13:45:39 +0000
From: 	Whitacre,Cynthia <whitacrc at oclc.org>
To: 	Jasmin Nof <jnof at upenn.edu>

Hello Jasmin:

It was great to meet you in person last week and to be able to attend 
the AJL meeting in person.  I really enjoyed meeting everyone and was 
delighted in the passion and interest that everyone shared for cataloging.

Here is the PowerPoint with notes from the meeting.  Feel free to share 
it with your group.  I'm happy to answer any questions via email.

Also, I promised answers to some things and sharing of some other 
information.  I'll send those out in separate emails to you, hopefully 
later today.

Thanks for inviting me to attend.



Cynthia M. Whitacre

Manager, WorldCat Quality & Partner Content Dept.


800-848-5878, ext. 6183

whitacrc at oclc.org <mailto:whitacrc at oclc.org>

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