[Heb-NACO] 2 questions

Judith Zupnick judiezup at msn.com
Wed Jan 15 11:27:21 EST 2014


1) Does anyone have ideas for appropriate subject headings for: Sefer Me ha-be'er : hidushim u-ve'urim be-dine hatsi shi'ur veha-mista'ef? This topic is hard to capture by existing authorized subject headings.

2) I am cataloging Sefer U-khetavtam : ha-havurot ha-metsuyanot li-shenat 770. How should one create a preferred title for this book? There are other unrelated books called Sefer U-khetavtam that would therefore have the same preferred title. One can qualify the preferred title by the name of an associated corporate body, publisher, date of publication, or place of publication, so in this case would it be possible to have it qualified by the name of the publisher, as follows, to distinguish it from other works?:

1300 U-khetavtam (Mamlekhet ha-Torah "U-ketavtam")


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