[Heb-NACO] proposed instruction on conventional collective titles

Heidi G Lerner lerner at stanford.edu
Thu Jan 31 15:18:59 EST 2013

We have been bringing up that issue since we both began working with RDA in the summer of 2010 and served as official testers during the fall of 2010 and on through the present. The correspondence is voluminous but the bottom line is that we must adhere to the rules that are outlined in We area not the only community that has had philosophical and intellectal difficutlies adhereing to that rule. The art cataloging community has expressed similar discontent with the guidelines that were presented in the LC document "RDA Special Topics: Art Catalogs", slide 11 and also some other presentations. 
1 " 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Yossi Galron" <jgalron at gmail.com> 
To: "Hebrew Name Authority Funnel" <heb-naco at lists.service.ohio-state.edu> 
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 11:51:21 AM 
Subject: Re: [Heb-NACO] proposed instruction on conventional collective        titles 

I have a question regarding the 240 field: Till now we used to put in the 240 the title proper of the book ignoring the words Sefer, Kuntres, etc. (Berit ha-Levi for Sefer Berit ha-Levi). Does it mean that in RDA the 240 field will actually ignore the Title proper of the book and it will be replaced by a 246 field? 


Joseph (Yossi) Galron-Goldschlaeger 
Head, Hebraica & Jewish Studies  Library 
355A Thompson Memorial Library 
The Ohio State University Libraries 
1858 Neil Ave. Mall 
Columbus, Ohio 43210 USA 
E-Mail: galron.1 at osu.edu   or jgalron at gmail.com 
Tel.: (614) 292-3362,  Fax: (614)292-1918 
URL:  http://library.osu.edu/about/departments/jewish-studies/ 
Lexicon of Modern Hebrew Literature: 

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 2:41 PM, Biella, Joan < jbie at loc.gov > wrote: 

I think this is a separate question from the last one.  If it's not possible to determine which is the first or predominant work, then either 
1) the thing can't be considered a compilation, per the answer to the last question, or 
2) it belongs to one of the exempted categories in the LC-PCC PSs on 25.1 and 26.2 
If neither of these is the case, I don't really see how one could ever be unable to determine the first work (OR the predominant work, for that matter).  Of course this work has to have a TITLE (and that's why collections of letters are exempted, for example). 

From: heb-naco-bounces at lists.service.ohio-state.edu [mailto: heb-naco-bounces at lists.service.ohio-state.edu ] On Behalf Of Jasmin Nof 
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 2:11 PM 

To: Hebrew Name Authority Funnel 
Subject: Re: [Heb-NACO] proposed instruction on conventional collective titles 


(sorry, sent too soon) 

Often in such cases it is not clear which is the " first or predominant work" -- it's all just one big jumble. 


On 1/31/2013 2:08 PM, Jasmin Nof wrote: 


What is one to do in a case where several such terms are given in a book's title? E.g.: 

Sefer Yalḳuṭ ʻavodat Yiśraʼel : k ̣ evutsat maʼamarim, liḳuṭim yeḳarim, ʻal seder parashiyot ha-Torah ... / me-et Yiśraʼel, magid me-yesharim di-k ̣ k ̣ . K ̣ oznits ; nilk ̣ et ̣ u, neʻerkhu v ̣ e-sudru be-tseruf mek ̣ orot, ʻiyunim v ̣ e-heʻarot ʻa. y. Mosheh Yeḥezḳel ha-Leṿi Blumenberg. (lccn2005352488) 


On 1/31/2013 11:59 AM, Biella, Joan wrote: 

Here's a draft Heidi and I have written for inclusion in the 2nd ed of Hebraica Cataloging. 
Further comments from you? 
Joan Biella and Heidi Lerner 
The use of conventional collective titles is considerably expanded under RDA, owing to the fact that a distinction between “adequate” and “inadequate” titles proper, as described in LCRI 25.10, is no longer made.  Any compilation of two or more but not all of the works of a single person, family, or corporate body requires a conventional collective title followed by “Selections,” (cf. LC-PCC PS for the Alternative to   
For some types of compilations, an authorized access point for the first or predominant work in the compilation is also required (cf. LC-PCC PS for 26.1). Other Compilations of Two or More Works, LC practice for the Alternative 
For a compilation consisting of two or more but not all the works of one person, family, or corporate body, in a particular form, record a conventional collective title followed by “Selections.”  Give an authorized access point for the first or predominant work (Policy Statement 25.1) or expression (Policy Statement 26.1). 
LC-PCC PS for 26.1 Related Expression 
For compilations of expressions other than those which include the original expression and one or more translations, give an analytical authorized access point for the predominant or first expression in the compilation when it represents a substantial part of the resource. Disregard contributions such as a preface or introductory chapter. Generally, do not apply this core element to anthologies of poetry, hymnals, conference proceedings, journals, collections of interviews or letters, and similar resources. 
Instruction  Complete Works in a Single Form provides a list of frequently-used conventional collective titles, and adds “ If none of these terms is appropriate, record an appropriate specific collective title (e.g., Posters, Fragments, Encyclicals).” 
                        Correspondence                                 Poems 
                        Essays                                                            Prose works 
                        Novels                                                 Short stories 
                        Plays                                                   Speeches 
For specific types of works often compiled in religious Hebrew publishing, use the following table (when catalogers’ judgment permits): 
be ’ urim 	
Commentaries. Selections 

Sermons. Selections 

Works. Selections 

ertseylungen (about a rabbi) 	
Anecdotes. Selections 

Religious laws. Selections 

he ‘ arot, he ’ arot 	
Commentaries. Selections 

ḥ idushim 	
Novellae. Selections 

ḳ un ṭ resim 	
Minor works. Selections 

li ḳ utim 	
Works. Selections 

ma ’ amarim 	
Essays. Selections 

mayśes̀ (about a rabbi) 	
Anecdotes. Selections 

Works. Selections 

Commentaries. Selections 

pesa ḳ im 	
Decisions. Selections 

shi ‘ urim 	
Lessons. Selections 

sipurim (about a rabbi) 	
Anecdotes. Selections 

teshuvot; she'elot u-teshuvot 	
Responsa. Selections 
Or, looked at the other way around: 
Anecdotes. Selections 	
ertseylungen ; mayśes̀ ; sipurim 

Commentaries. Selections 	
be ’ urim ; he ‘ arot, he ’ arot ; perushim 

Decisions. Selections 	
pesa ḳ im 

Essays. Selections 	
ma ’ amarim 

Lessons. Selections 	
shi ‘ urim 

Minor works. Selections 	
ḳ un ṭ resim 

Novellae. Selections 	
ḥ idushim 

Religious laws. Selections 	

Responsa. Selections 	
teshuvot ; she'elot u-teshuvot 

Sermons. Selections 	

Works. Selections 	
devarim ; li ḳ utim ; peninim 

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