[Heb-NACO] proposed instruction on conventional collective titles

Jasmin Nof jnof at upenn.edu
Thu Jan 31 14:48:53 EST 2013

Excellent, thank you both, Heidi and Joan, for your answers and all your 
hard work!!

On 1/31/2013 2:41 PM, Biella, Joan wrote:
> I think this is a separate question from the last one.  If it's not 
> possible to determine which is the first or predominant work, then either
> 1) the thing can't be considered a compilation, per the answer to the 
> last question, or
> 2) it belongs to one of the exempted categories in the LC-PCC PSs on 
> 25.1 and 26.2
> If neither of these is the case, I don't really see how one could ever 
> be unable to determine the first work (OR the predominant work, for 
> that matter).  Of course this work has to have a TITLE (and that's why 
> collections of letters are exempted, for example).
> Joan
> *From:*heb-naco-bounces at lists.service.ohio-state.edu 
> [mailto:heb-naco-bounces at lists.service.ohio-state.edu] *On Behalf Of 
> *Jasmin Nof
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 31, 2013 2:11 PM
> *To:* Hebrew Name Authority Funnel
> *Subject:* Re: [Heb-NACO] proposed instruction on conventional 
> collective titles
> (sorry, sent too soon)
> Often in such cases it is not clear which is the "first or predominant 
> work" -- it's all just one big jumble.
> Jasmin
> On 1/31/2013 2:08 PM, Jasmin Nof wrote:
>     What is one to do in a case where several such terms are given in
>     a book's title? E.g.:
>     Sefer Yalk?ut? ?avodat Yis?ra?el : k?evutsat ma?amarim, lik?ut?im
>     yek?arim, ?al seder parashiyot ha-Torah ... / me-et Yis?ra?el,
>     magid me-yesharim di-k?k?. K?oznits ; nilk?et?u, ne?erkhu
>     v?e-sudru be-tseruf mek?orot, ?iyunim v?e-he?arot ?a. y. Mosheh
>     Yeh?ezk?el ha-Lev?i Blumenberg. (lccn2005352488)
>     Jasmin
>     On 1/31/2013 11:59 AM, Biella, Joan wrote:
>         Here's a draft Heidi and I have written for inclusion in the
>         2nd ed of Hebraica Cataloging.
>         Further comments from you?
>         Joan
>         Joan Biella and Heidi Lerner
>         The use of conventional collective titles is considerably
>         expanded under RDA, owing to the fact that a distinction
>         between "adequate" and "inadequate" titles proper, as
>         described in LCRI 25.10, is no longer made.  Any compilation
>         of two or more but not all of the works of a single person,
>         family, or corporate body requires a conventional collective
>         title followed by "Selections," (cf. LC-PCC PS for the
>         /Alternative/ to
>         For some types of compilations, an authorized access point for
>         the first or predominant work in the compilation is also
>         required (cf. LC-PCC PS for 26.1).
>         * Other Compilations of Two or More Works, LC
>         practice for the /Alternative/*
>         /For a compilation consisting of two or more but not all the
>         works of one person, family, or corporate body, in a
>         particular form, record a conventional collective title
>         followed by "Selections."  Give an authorized access point for
>         the first or predominant work (Policy Statement 25.1) or
>         expression (Policy Statement 26.1)./
>         *LC-PCC PS for 26.1 Related Expression*
>         /For compilations of expressions other than those which
>         include the original expression and one or more translations,
>         give an analytical authorized access point for the predominant
>         or first expression in the compilation when it represents a
>         substantial part of the resource. Disregard contributions such
>         as a preface or introductory chapter. Generally, do not apply
>         this core element to anthologies of poetry, hymnals,
>         conference proceedings, journals, collections of interviews or
>         letters, and similar resources./
>         Instruction *  Complete Works in a Single
>         Form//*provides a list of frequently-used conventional
>         collective titles, and adds "/If none of these terms is
>         appropriate, record an appropriate specific collective title
>         (e.g., Posters, Fragments, Encyclicals)."/
>         //
>         /Correspondence                                 Poems/
>         /Essays Prose works/
>         /Novels Short stories/
>         /Plays Speeches/
>         //
>         For specific types of works often compiled in religious Hebrew
>         publishing, use the following table (when catalogers' judgment
>         permits):
>         //
>         *be**'**urim*
>         Commentaries. Selections
>         *derashot*
>         Sermons. Selections
>         *devarim*
>         Works. Selections
>         *ertseylungen (about a rabbi)*
>         Anecdotes. Selections
>         *halakhot*
>         Religious laws. Selections
>         *he**'**arot, he**'**arot*
>         Commentaries. Selections
>         *h.**idushim*
>         Novellae. Selections
>         *k.**un**t.**resim*
>         Minor works. Selections
>         *li**k.**utim*
>         Works. Selections
>         *ma**'**amarim*
>         Essays. Selections
>         *mays'es? (about a rabbi)*
>         Anecdotes. Selections
>         *peninim*
>         Works. Selections
>         *perushim*
>         Commentaries. Selections
>         *pesa**k.**im*
>         Decisions. Selections
>         *shi**'**urim*
>         Lessons. Selections
>         *sipurim (about a rabbi)*
>         Anecdotes. Selections
>         *teshuvot; she'elot u-teshuvot*
>         Responsa. Selections
>         Or, looked at the other way around:
>         *Anecdotes. Selections*
>         ertseylungen ; mays'es?**; sipurim
>         *Commentaries. Selections*
>         be'urim ; he'arot, he'arot ; perushim
>         *Decisions. Selections*
>         pesak.im
>         *Essays. Selections*
>         ma'amarim
>         *Lessons. Selections*
>         shi'urim
>         *Minor works. Selections*
>         k.unt.resim
>         *Novellae. Selections*
>         h.idushim
>         *Religious laws. Selections*
>         halakhot
>         *Responsa. Selections*
>         teshuvot ; she'elot u-teshuvot
>         *Sermons. Selections*
>         derashot
>         *Works. Selections*
>         devarim ; lik.utim ; peninim
>         _______________________________________________
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>         Heb-naco at lists.service.ohio-state.edu  <mailto:Heb-naco at lists.service.ohio-state.edu>
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