[Heb-NACO] FW: FW: pronunciaton of kamats with meteg

Cliff Miller clmiller at jtsa.edu
Wed Apr 17 17:11:01 EDT 2013

A second reply to Heidi lerner April 4 inquiry. /  Clifford Miller, Jewish Theological Seminary Library

From: ClanKogen at aol.com [mailto:ClanKogen at aol.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 5:32 PM

This is a classic mahloket between Ashkenazic and Sephardic grammarians. Ashkenazim regularly treat a kamatz preceeeding a hataf kamatz as a kamatz katan, while Sephardim treat is as a kamatz gadol. "His tent" is pronounced oholo by Ashkenazim and aholo by Sephardim. [I learned that the hard way when I read the Torah in a Sephardic congregation.] RA publications follow the Ashkenazic tradition. As you note, some Israeli publications which are not necessarily Sephardic follow the Sephardic tradition on this one. (In the case of Rinat Yisrael, please note that they produce both Ashkenazic and Sephardic versions, started with the Sephardic, and tilt that way either because that is their general predisposition or because they feel a need to be consistent.)



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