[Heb-NACO] Li-fene ha-nesi'ah

Barry Walfish barry.walfish at utoronto.ca
Wed Sep 5 12:26:37 EDT 2012

Dear Safranim,

I have two questions about the romanization in the record for this title by Rivka Miriam and Meir Appelfeld (Raananah Even Hoshen, 2011). LCN 2011483420.

First, li-fene. Why not lifne? It seems to me that this is a word of which the preposition is an integral part.

Second, the series Pitedah. Why not Pitdah. There is no dagesh in the tet and the sheva is nah.

Thanks for your help,


Barry Dov Walfish, Ph.D.
Judaica and Theology Specialist
Collection Development Department and
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
University of Toronto Library
130 St. George St.
Toronto, ON
Canada M5S 1A5
phone: 416-946-3176 or 416-978-4319
fax: 416-978-1667 or 416-946-0635
e-mail: barry.walfish at utoronto.ca

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