[Heb-NACO] Israeli Compound last names

Heidi G Lerner lerner at stanford.edu
Wed Jul 25 15:47:26 EDT 2012

Israeli practices and reference sources  would provide support for the form of entry the rules for which in A2 and RD are nearly identical. I don't think Yosi is implying that we also apply their cataloging codes. 

AACR2 22.5C2. Preferred or established form known.   Enter a name containing a compound surname under the element by which the person bearing the name prefers to be entered. 7 If this is unknown, enter the name under the element under which it is listed in reference sources 8 in the person’s language or country of residence or activity. 

In this case Yosi has found in the majority of cases in Israeli libraries the surname was entered under the first element. 

22.5C3. Hyphenated surnames.   If the elements of a compound surname are regularly or occasionally hyphenated, enter under the first element (see also 22.5E1 ). 

Her preferred form on her personal webpage has the compound name spelled with a hyphen. 

* 22.5C5. Other compound surnames. Married women whose surname consists of surname before marriage and husband’s surname.   Enter under the first element of the compound surname (regardless of its nature) if the person’s language is Czech, French, Hungarian, Italian, or Spanish. In all other cases, enter under the husband’s surname. For hyphenated names, see 22.5C3 

We do not have firm evidence that she is married; also there does exist a form of her name with a hyphen. 

With this evidence I think that Yosi can fix the heading. 

*Please note that RDA has removed removed the rules for compound names when applied  married women 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Jasmin Nof" <jnof at upenn.edu> 
To: "Hebrew Name Authority Funnel" <heb-naco at lists.service.ohio-state.edu> 
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 12:19:54 PM 
Subject: Re: [Heb-NACO] Israeli Compound last names 

Wouldn't the fact that we're NACO catalogers, beholden to PCC/LC policies, impede us from following Israeli practice in some cases, including the the one you describe below? 


On 7/25/2012 3:05 PM, Galron, Joseph wrote: 

I noticed that US libraries treat Israeli compound names the same way as American names and I am not sure that the Israeli colleagues agree: 
Today I put my hand on the last book by Einat Baram Eshel (עינת ברעם אשל) – מלחמת הריאליזם על נפשו 
The heading for the author in LC’s and OCLC Name Authority file is: Eshel, Einat Baram. 
Checking ULI – we can find 20 Israeli libraries: 19 libraries entered the author as Bar’am Eshel, Enat  and only one library as Eshel, Enat Bar’am [it might be that that library has a US born catalog librarian J ] 
Shouldn’t we treat Israeli authors the same way as the Israeli librarians do? 
BTW – Our colleague, Racheli Leket Mor of Arizona State University, has also a compound name: her maiden name is Leket (see NAR no 98093959), Mor is Tsafrir’s (Racheli’s husband) last name, but she goes as Leket Mor and not as Mor. 
Joseph (Yossi) Galron-Goldschlaeger 
Head, Hebraica & Jewish Studies  Library 
355A Thompson Memorial Library 
The Ohio State University Libraries  
1858 Neil Ave. Mall 
Columbus, Ohio 43210 USA 
E-Mail:  galron.1 at osu.edu   or  jgalron at gmail.com 
Tel.: (614) 292-3362,  Fax: (614)292-1918 
URL:   http://library.osu.edu/about/departments/jewish-studies/ 
Lexicon of Modern Hebrew Literature: 


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