[Heb-NACO] Fwd: [Enhance] Announcement of NACO/Enhance Expansion

Heidi G Lerner lerner at stanford.edu
Mon Aug 22 15:16:48 EDT 2011

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Casey A Mullin" <cmullin at stanford.edu>
To: "Joanna Dyla" <jdyla at stanford.edu>, "Robert" <rrohrbac at stanford.edu>, "Margaret Hughes" <margaret.hughes at stanford.edu>, "Heidi" <lerner at stanford.edu>, "Kay Teel" <kteel at stanford.edu>, "Emma" <ekoronat at stanford.edu>, "Jane" <zshi at stanford.edu>
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 12:04:01 PM
Subject: Fwd: [Enhance] Announcement of NACO/Enhance Expansion


-------- Original Message -------- Subject: 	[Enhance] Announcement of NACO/Enhance Expansion 
Date: 	Mon, 22 Aug 2011 14:48:36 -0400 
From: 	Weitz,Jay <weitzj at oclc.org> 
Reply-To: 	OCLC Enhance Libraries <enhance at u.washington.edu> 
To: 	<Enhance at u.washington.edu> 
CC: 	askqc <askqc at oclc.org> 

Effective today, in accordance with the decision by the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) Policy Committee in November 2010, OCLC has expanded the capabilities of OCLC participants with NACO authorizations.  Individuals with NACO authorizations, along with those who have National Level CONSER and National Level Enhance authorizations, which already include NACO capabilities, are now able to edit and replace BIBCO records (non-serial records with 042 code “pcc”).  Creation of new BIBCO records and authentication of existing non-BIBCO records (i.e., adding 042 code “pcc”) will continue to be restricted to those with National Level Enhance authorizations in their specified formats. 


Those institutions that currently have NACO authorizations can now use those authorizations to Enhance, change, and/or correct non-serial records that have field 042 coded “pcc”.  This capability has been expanded in order to maintain the hallmark of the PCC brand, that every access point on a PCC record is backed by a proper authority record.  To this end, you are reminded that any corrected or added heading on a PCC record must continue to be backed by a corresponding authority record. 


Before you begin to use these new capabilities, we respectfully urge you to familiarize yourself with the Enhance Training Outline ( http://www.oclc.org/support/training/worldcat/enhanceoutline/default.htm ) and the Guidelines for National Level Enhance Participants ( http://www.oclc.org/support/documentation/worldcat/records/enhanceguidelines/default.htm ).  Although some details of these two documents have been rendered out-of-date by OCLC’s Expert Community and other changes since their most recent revisions, most of the information remains accurate and relevant.  We also encourage you to review Expert Community:  Guidelines for Experts ( http://www.oclc.org/support/documentation/worldcat/cataloging/ece/default.htm ).  Please keep in mind, especially, the two central tenets of all OCLC cooperative quality control programs: 

•             First, do no harm.  Please use the same care in editing an existing master record as you would use in creating a new record. 

o             NEVER remove correct and accurate information from a master record (such as classification numbers or subject headings) simply because your institution does not find it useful. 

o             NEVER change the basic nature of a master bibliographic record into something different. 

o             AVOID including local data or local practices in a master bibliographic record. 

o             Be cautious about changing bibliographic records with a different Language of Cataloging (identified in field 040 subfield ‡b).  Bibliographic Formats and Standards, Section 3.10, "Parallel Records for Language of Cataloging" http://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en/specialcataloging/default.shtm#BCGBAEHC ) has details on working with these records. 

•             Second, if in doubt, DON’T. 

o             Do not replace a record solely to change an element that is a matter of cataloger's judgment. 

o             Consider data within the context of the whole record, rather than in isolation.  If you can reasonably resolve contradictory information within a record, please do so, but try not to jump to conclusions. 

o             Please behave responsibly concerning each other's records.  Remember that each library that replaces a record input by another library appears, by virtue of the 040 field, to have some responsibility for the content of that record. 

Additionally, please remember that all PCC records created since October 1, 2010, are in accordance with the BIBCO Standard Record Metadata Application Profiles ( http://www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/bibco/BSR-MAPS.html ) and that relevant PCC records created since August 1, 2009, conform to the Provider-Neutral E-Monograph MARC Record Guide ( http://www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/bibco/PN-Guide.pdf ).  Please review these standards and keep them in mind when editing an existing PCC record.  The BSRs are intended to be floor standards, emphasizing access points over extensive, sometimes redundant descriptive data, so providing data above the BSR recommendations is both permitted and encouraged.  But keep in mind that data “missing” from a BSR-conformant record may be perfectly correct if the BSRs are followed. 

Heidi G. Lerner
Hebraica/Judaica Cataloger
Metadata Development Unit
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford, CA 94305-6004
e-mail: lerner at stanford.edu
ph: 650-725-9953
fax: 650-725-1120

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