[Comicsstudiessociety] CC&C working group symposium

Gardner, Jared gardner.236 at osu.edu
Sun Jun 27 18:07:33 EDT 2021

Hi, CSS friends,

This past semester, a bunch of us held an informal working group via zoom and a class website to explore what we playfully termed “comics before comics”—caricature and cartooning from the 17th century through the turn of the 20th. This Caricature, Cartooning, and Comics working group is wrapping up tomorrow with an informal symposium in which a few of our members and a couple of friends are sharing some of the things they are working on and/or thinking about.

Feel free to join us as your schedule allows at: https://osu.zoom.us/j/93884021511?pwd=enpKaytSQndNMEpqcVFFcEk5VDc3QT09&from=addon

Session 1 10-11:15
Rachel Stewart, “Medieval Image Cycles as Comics”
Shawn Gilmore, “Geothe's Theory of Colour and Early Abstract Comics”
Ian Horton, “Gombrich - Caricature, Cartooning and Comics”

Session 2 11:30-12:45
Josh Kopin, “Techniques of the Caricaturist: Serial Caricature Before Outcault”
Michael Connerty, “The British Comics Boom of the 1890s”
Alex Beringer, “The Social Comedy Comics of Mary's Levinson's Nick Nax"

Session 3 1:30-2:45
Benoît Crucifix, “Children's Drawings and Pseudographies in 19th-century French Comics“
Maaheen Ahmed, “French Children's Magazines: WWI and the Interwar Period”
Jaleen Grove, “Bad Anna: the genteel naughtiness of Miss Olive Allen, illustrator”

Session 4 3:00-4:15
Guy Lawley, “Ben Day dots in the comics: inky marks, hot metal and colour”
Zachary J.A. Rondinelli, ”#WelcomeToSlumberland: Documenting Transactional Readings of Winsor McCay’s “Little Nemo” Strips”
Michael Dooley, “Thomas Nast: Anti-Irish, Anti-Catholic Bigot?”

Session 5 4:30-6:00
N. C. Christopher Couch , “History Painting and the History of Caricature”
Bryan Conn, “A Cut Above: From Woodcut Graphic Novel to Drawing Woodcut Comics”
Carol Tyler, “Random observations”


PS: While our live sessions are done for the year, you can access previous recordings and shared materials by “enrolling” at https://openlearning.catalog.instructure.com/courses/caricature-cartooning-comics-1620-1920. I am planning a second CC&C tour for 2022, but no hard plans for topic yet.

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