EOC Exercise 17.70(b) mistake (Section 17.6)

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at osu.edu
Wed Mar 22 09:13:25 EDT 2023

There's a problem with EOC 17.70(b) or the solution in the solutions manual.
I believe error is in the question for 17.70(b).  Based on the fact AgIO3 is
insoluble and you're trying to figure out if a ppt forms when adding NaIO3 to
a solution of Ag+ ions, I believe they meant for the AgIO3 to be AgNO3.  So
the problem should read:

Will AgIO3 ppt when 20 mL of 0.010 M AgNO3 is mixed with 10 mL
of 0.015 M NaIO3?  (Ksp of AgIO3 is 3.1 x 10-8)

Also, the solutions' manual treats the volumes of 20 mL and 10 mL as
having 2 s.f.  This is done often for volumes which end in zero in the
units place.  If one used a beaker to measure volumes (which we
wouldn't do for important volumes) the volumes would be known to the
units place.

Dr. Zellmer
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