Cancellation Policy

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at
Sun Jan 22 18:00:48 EST 2023

There's always a chance of bad weather during Spring semester,
particularly near the beginning of the semester.  We're getting some
snow right now but it's not bad so don't count on anything being
cancelled tomorrow or this week.

OSU rarely cancels classes due to weather.  I've been at OSU in some
capacity for over 40 years.  In that time, to the best of my recollection,
OSU has cancelled classes probably about twenty times.

I will NEVER cancel anything (class, lab, exams, etc.) via e-mail. The
only time anything will be cancelled is if OSU cancels classes (which
you will find on OSU's web page) or the department does so for some
reason.   If this occurs, you will hear from us personally or via a Carmen
announcement.  Make sure when an announcement is left in Carmen
you have it set up to send you an e-mail.

If your TA is not in lab at least 5 minutes before the start of lab, recitation
or when it's supposed to start, please contact me via e-mail or my office
phone.  If you can't get a hold of me, go to 110 Celeste or call the office
at 292-6009.  If I'm not in lecture when it's supposed to start, go to 110
Celeste to let them know.  Don't leave.

If it's an exam and something happens and I'm not there, the head TA
will let you know what to do and will contact me.  Do NOT leave until
you're told it's okay to leave.

A TA will never cancel a lab for any reason.  They are not allowed to.
These decisions will be made by me, the lab supervisor, the chemistry
department or the university.  As a matter of policy, TAs are not allowed
to make any changes to the syllabus or class requirements.

I do everything I possibly can to make sure you get every class you've paid
for.  In 31 years of teaching, I think I've missed fewer than 6 lectures and
someone covered those for me.  One time the lecture room was closed
due to a bomb threat.  I found another room to hold lecture and e-mailed
everyone so we wouldn't miss a lecture.   I'll be there or upside down in a
ditch (so please let someone know if I don't show up for lecture so they
can look for me).  I suppose I could have died but then I won't be too
concerned about what you do but still don't leave, go to the office to get

Dr. Zellmer
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