FW: Problems accessing the solutions manual

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at osu.edu
Thu Jan 19 09:00:33 EST 2023

I sent the following last Friday about people having problems accessing the solutions
manual.  The best way to access it is through the link provided in Carmen and not
by going straight to the OneDrive link, although that should work.

If you manage to get to the solutions manual and you click on a link for one of the
files and it doesn't come up then click on the 3-dot menu to the right of the name
and click on Preview.  That should work.  If not let me know and include the
exact steps you took.

Dr. Zellmer

From: Zellmer, Robert <zellmer.1 at osu.edu>
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2023 8:01 AM
To: cbc-chem1220 at groups.asc.ohio-state.edu
Cc: cbc-chem1220-ta at groups.asc.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Problems accessing the solutions manual

I've received several e-mails about people accessing the solutions manual, particularly
when trying to view a file after the first time.

I'm not sure why there's a problem.  I'm not able to view it as a student.

If you can't access them, after having been able to do so previously, try refreshing the
page.  Sometimes if you leave a window open for a long time it times out but you're not
aware of this and it won't work properly.  If this doesn't work clear your cache,
cookies and history.  Close the window and start over.  If all this fails, you can click on the
3-dot menu to the right of the file name.  Choose Preview.  This seems to work.

Dr. Zellmer
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